News from the Course – 21 January

In Memory of Lost Mates – Memorial Day.

Next Saturday promises to be a highlight of the year with the inaugral playing of the special event in honour of lost mates, the Memorial Day.

The day is a 4 person Ambrose with two sessions. The morning session was popular and 21 groups have already booked for the 7.30 am start. I have heard today that when the booking sheet opened at midnight 17 places instantly were taken. All available spots have been taken for this session.

To meet demand a second session will be played commencing at about 11.30 am. Please arrive early say at 11 am. If you use a phone to book then it might seem that all of these places have also been taken up. Not to worry, I have used the social, afternoon booking page, to allow more people to book in.

Your tee will be allocted during the week.

Don’t forget to bring a gold coin for a sausage sandwich after, or before, your game.

During your game say a prayer to remember our lost friends.

The Champagne 9 will not be held on this day.

Pennant Shirt Presentation.

After golf today a special presentation was held to welcome the Mens’ 2023 Pennant players. Platinum Plus and Pennant Sponsor, Steve Oppert, was at hand to present each player with their club representative shirt. Our teams are all strong and we can expect excellent results in this year’s Pennant season. Congratulations to all of our players and good luck in the season which commences on January 29.

Play well.

Monday Veterans Ambrose.

On Monday, January 30, the first of the shotgun starts will take place at the club. The event of the day will be a 2 person Ambrose so please don’t book in a threesome.

This will be the first of the 3 shotgun starts to be held in 2023 with a free BBQ and with $10.00 entries into the comp for Jamberoo Vet members and $16.00 for non-Jamberoo Vet members as promised.

I apologise for the error on the notice on the Vets Board which somebody highlighted. It would be appreciated if in future that person could come and quietly talk to me about it, rather than place a critical notice on the Board without signing their name. I am human and often make mistakes. Many members approach me to make suggestions and to remind me of matters and I always respect and listen to these opinions.

Like many volunteers at the club I give up my game and time to make it possible for members to enjoy their day. If you wish, you can take over the running of these events. Your help would be appreciated.

David Ransom

2 thoughts on “News from the Course – 21 January

  1. Yes well said Dave … there is a general rule of manners that I thought people may well follow. I agree it is a thankless job being a committee person and many times the behind the scenes activities are missed by many people. And yes, common courtesy should prevail. We have a great course and good members and we all make errors at some time in our lives. To you and the other directors, volunteers and green staff . Thank you for your services during the last few years in very difficult and trying times.

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