News from the Course – June 1

The new tractor in action today near the 9th.

The Jamberoo Open Ambrose Championship sponsored by Oaks Automotive.

The Jamberoo Open Ambrose set down for play on June 25 has been moved to Saturday August 20 to ensure the course will be ready to hold this important event over the full 18 holes with golf carts available.

Please make note of this change.

2022-2023 Membership.

2022 – 2023 Membership Fees became due for payment on May 31, and you have until June 30 to finalise your membership payment.

Invoices are available at the Office.

Full membership $620 for June 1, 2022, to May 31, 2023.

Intermediate $310 for those 18-24 years old.

Junior $30 for those 17 and under.

Members may use the balance of their Trophy account and/or Ball account (at $2.50 credit per ball) to assist in paying their annual fees if paying by cash, direct debit (yearly), or EFTPOS.

The office will be open at the following hours to facilitate payment of your fees:

Monday to Saturday 10 am to 2 pm.

The shop can accept payments if the Office is not open.

We can now also accept EFTPOS payments in the office even if the shop is closed/unattended. 

Payment Methods available

  • Cash or EFTPOS at the shop or the Office.
  • Electronically via Direct Debit, use the following details:
  • Jamberoo Golf Club LTD,
  • BSB   012 709 Acc No. 2008 06228
  • *** remember to put your membership number as the reference
  • BPAY – the full amount only can be accepted. This is not for monthly payments nor can BPAY use trophy Account or ball account balances. Please use the details on the invoice.
  • Monthly via Direct Debit – please complete the form at the Office to access this payment method. Trophy and Ball Account balances cannot be used.

It is worth noting that quite a few members have kindly donated the balance of their trophy account in support of the club rather than deduct the balance from their new annual membership subs.

A gesture that is most appreciated.

Trophy Account and ball account balances can be checked at the Shop or Office.

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