News from the Course – 22 May

It was great to see many members get back onto the course with both the Kingsford nine and Members stroke competitions completed on Saturday.

Peter Francis seen with Tony McRae.

Perennial ‘shortened course’ specialist, Peter Francis, was successful in the Saturday stroke round with a very solid 52 nett with Al Thrower second on a 3 way countback with 54 from Tim Condon and Shane Townsend.

It was a pleasure to see many of our members out on the course enjoying the good conditions.

Unfortunately, with the Saturday night and Sunday rain, the Monday competition will necessarily need to be cancelled as the already soft course will not be able to handle the extra moisture from above.

More news about Tuesday and the rest of the week as it becomes available.

Meanwhile, our Trevor Bell Memorial Shield team are down to play on Monday at the Links Shell Cove. Good luck to the team. We hope you get a chance to play.

Tuesday’s Conversation Starters

[Full story with pictures please click here.]

A dozen or so keen (dry weather) golfers joined together in the dining room at the Golf Club last Tuesday morning. It was ‘games day’ instead of ‘Women’s Comp Day’. Our games day started with Bolo Toss, or more appropriately, Ladder Golf, kindly made and provided by Brian Dixon. The co-ordination of all participants was commendable. Then followed indoor ‘practice putting’ with a mechanical reject button. Most players found the kitchen floor to be anything but level.

The highlight of the morning were the stories told of ‘best golf courses’, ‘funny experiences’ and ‘life back in the good old days’. Interestingly, Judy C and Lyn K had both played golf “along the Nullarbor Plains”, which incidentally has reduced the number of car accidents along that stretch of road. The hardest part on one hole was getting up into the back of the ute to where the tee-off turf was situated.

Two funny experiences in the one game from Marg. C led to her carrying her wet shoes and walking back to the clubhouse instead of going to the 17th tee. Whilst playing a foursomes event Marg had to hit her partner’s shot from in from of the 8th creek only to find herself in the water on her follow through. The second experience was being fully immersed when trying to rescue her partners ball from the dam.

Our Seniors stole the show with their recollections of living on the farm, trekking to school and getting dressed up for the annual show. Dulcie P enthralled us by recalling how her family use to wait for the milk truck to arrive (at any hour of the day or night). The milk truck carried all their supplies from meat, fruit & vegetables, to ice for the ice chest. Dulcie also taught us the meaning of an OSLO lunch, sold at the school canteens. Norwegian origin where children were provided with a bottle of milk, a piece of fruit and a sandwich for their healthy lunch.

What a lovely bunch of members we have at Jamberoo Golf Club!

P. Middlebrook

(Women’s President)

Programme Changes to note

  1. The Mens Veterans Championships will now be contested on June 20 instead of June 6 due to a clash on this date.
  2. A reminder that the Jamberoo Mens Open will be played on July 31.
  3. Also that the Mens Championships will be played in August on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 and conclude on Saturday 13 and Sunday 14. Please place these dates in your diary.

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