Latest from the Course

News Update.

Our dedicated and hardworking Captain Dave Ransom had a serious accident last week having a very heavy fall on a slippery concrete path.  Dave received a serious knock to the head incurring a minor bleed to one side of the brain and bruising to the other side.

After several days in hospital Dave is now back home recovering but is unfortunately out of action and unable to drive for the time being.  The recovery from such an injury is slow and he expects to be at home recovering for at least a month.

As can be expected from Dave he is still contributing from the sidelines, particularly in his editorial role with the Daily Cow.  However, he won’t be at the club when we eventually get back on the course, and Vice Captain Larry Kent will be filling Dave’s very big shoes in the meantime.

I am sure all our members join with me in wishing Dave a speedy recovery.

What an awful start to 2022.  The floods have had a significant impact on our club and our members.  I understand the course is still very, very wet making the cleanup difficult let alone getting it back to a playable condition.  Nick and his crew are doing all that is possible to get us back at the earliest possible opportunity, but the forecast doesn’t look promising.  The cost to the club of no income for the past three weeks and counting will be significant.  Lets hope for blue sky and good drying conditions.

Phil Hahn


Editor’s note: Please take care when out in the rain. Concrete pathways are very slippery and as I have found out a fall can easily occur.

Some Golf Results

Women’s Gold Pennant

Our Gold Ladies Pennants Team played Port Kembla at Shoalhaven Heads on Monday 14/3. The course was in great condition. A few balls got lost in the longer grass but overall a perfect day for golf. Jamberoo won in a tight battle 3-2. Well done ladies, individual results were:

Liz Armstrong won 2/1

Kay Brennan lost 5/4

Loretta Green won 3/1

Judi O’Brien won 6/5

Dell Brand lost 2/1

Women’s Bronze Ferns Report

Jamberoo Ferns enjoyed a great 3-0 team win against Callala at a challenging and very dry Shoalhaven Heads course on Monday.

Rhonda McKinley had a very satisfying 3 and 2 win against a 10 handicapper -the rules allow clubs fielding only a bronze team to play one player on a handicap of less than 25 – not an easy task to be victorious under these circumstances but Rhonda successfully rose to the challenge.

Pat Knight had an excellent 4 and 3 win against her opponent. She also managed to play in the sand quite a lot which was good practice for our next few games.

Kim Oborn found herself either down or square for the majority of the game and only took the lead at the 15th hole.  She went on to secure a hard fought 2 up win on the 18th.

Next week’s game is at Kiama against Shoalhaven Heads.

Trevor Bell Shield

A notice has been put up on the Vets noticeboard inviting vets to put their name down for the Trevor Bell Shield round at The Links on Monday 4th April [not the 12th as previously reported].

If you are interested and available please add your name to the list. If you cannot get to the course to enter then you might ring the shop or office to get your name added to the list.

All the best.


6 thoughts on “Latest from the Course

  1. Not the news we wanted to hear about Dave, I wish him a speedy recovery and trust he will be back up and about asap. The man does an exceptional job for all members of our club.

  2. All the best Dave for a full and speedy recovery….Just what you didn’t need in these trying times…Take it easy and see you back soon…

  3. Sorry to see that news on Dave, l am sure that we will all miss the large effort that Dave puts in. Get well soon. Let’s hope that the course is playable soon.

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