Jamberoo today

The perpetual rain has caused massive runoff into both the Minnamurra River and Hyams Creek. Both have overflown their banks and the water is cascading onto the course.

Thanks to the following members who have documented the most serious flood in memory. Looks like we will be out for some time. A working bee will be called when the waters subside to help clean up the mess.

Does anybody have an Ark they can lend me?

Bob Anderson reports, “The river broke its banks around 8.45 am and it has flooded most of the northern part of the course. This photo taken at 9.55 and rain not showing much sign of easing. 15th green has disappeared.”

The 6th green, 6th fairway, Hyams Creek from 10th bridge this morning.

Liz Armstrong reports, “The river has broken its banks and the 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th and 17th are now part of its course…can’t see the 11th or others but guessing they are also part of the estuary… The good news is there are no houses or people living on the floodplain.”

Kim Oborn has sent me the following,

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