News and Views 10th October

Mens Club Championship

This Saturday sees the beginning of the Mens Championships. This event is the major event of the year and is held over 4 successive Saturday rounds. After three rounds a cut will be made and only the top sixteen (16) players in each grade and ties will continue into round 4. The remainder of the field will play a stableford event on day 4.

The first Saturday is run in conjunction with the October Monthly Medal and is the last chance to qualify for the Gold Medal Playoff in November. Don’t forget to count your putts as well as this round will also be the last chance to qualify for the Golden Putter award.

On each of the first three days of the championship a stroke round will be played with prizes, balls and NTP and D&P awarded as per usual. You don’t have to be in the championship to win these prizes on each day.

On the final Saturday the top 16 players (and ties) in each grade will continue to contest the championship. All others will play a separate stableford event with its own prizes, etc.

Grades for the Championship:

A: 13 and lower;

B: 14 -19;

C: 20 or higher.

Prize Structure: 

Club Champions         $150.00 each

Nett Winners               $100.00 each

Gross Runner Up        $75.00 each

Nett Runner Up           $50.00 each

A player can only win one major prize.


Safety on the Course

Weather Conditions

Players need to be aware of the dangers of lightning and high wind on the golf course. The responsibility rests with the player to either stop play and to then to seek shelter immediately or leave the course until you are satisfied that it is safe to resume play.

If you are concerned about lightning or high wind, come off the course immediately.

If you are caught out on the course during severe weather, please follow the procedures below and take action to ensure your safety.

Course Closures

If the playing conditions are deemed unsuitable for play, the Starter or a member of the Match Committee will close the course and after a minimum period of 30 minutes will reassess the playability of the course. If the greens become flooded and are unputtable then players may mark their ball and come back to the clubhouse and wait to see if conditions improve.

The responsibility rests with the player whether to play on or leave the course if they are on the course in these situations.

Re-Opening the Course

When conditions have improved and play can safely resume the the Starter or a member of the Match Committee will re-open the course.


On seeing a flash of lightning players should stop play. Players are advised to return to the clubhouse. It is recommended that players keep away from tall objects such as trees. During the storm, players are advised not to swing/hold clubs or umbrella, as they may act as a lightening conductor. The process for re-opening the course is detailed above (ideally 30 minutes after the last thunder clap is heard).


  • Put down your umbrella.
  • Keep away from the tree line.
  • Open golf carts will not protect you from lightning strike.
  • Shelter: Remember, open structures are not considered safe. An enclosed building is the safest place to be during a lightning strike.
  • If taking shelter in a building structure or vehicle, please ensure doors and windows are closed and avoid touching things that may conduct electricity.
  • Stay away from plumbing and electrical wiring, and DO NOT use the phone. If you can’t be in a building, an enclosed vehicle with a hard top and the windows rolled up is an option. But remember, it’s the metal casing around you that protects you, not the rubber tyres. Don’t touch the sides of the car.
  • 30/30 Rule: By the time the flash-to-bang count is 30 seconds, you should be in a safe location. And you shouldn’t resume outdoor activity until 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard.

Ladies Community Cancer Link Charity Golf Day

Community Cancer Link

A large field is gathering for the Ladies Community Cancer Link Golf Day to be held at the club next Tuesday. The event will be a 2 person Ambrose in both Ladies and Mens Divisions.

Entries are still open and can be made at the club. Find a friend and enter to support this worthwhile charity.

Dress Regulations

In order to maintain a standard suitable to our club, members are requested to pay attention to their attire. The following should be regarded as a minimum:
Neat casual clothing at all times.
Predominantly white sports socks.
Attire not permitted includes: football clothing, singlet type shirts and track type clothing.
Only Soft Spikes are allowed on the course.

Latest Results

A very busy time on the course this week with many competitions played and many social visitors as well. I hope you enjoyed your day at Jamberoo.

Best round of the week was recorded by Joanne Short who scored a fabulous 43 points on Thursday in the Lady Veterans Comp. Cheryl Legge was a credible second with 40 points. Wayne Griffiths found some pre-championship form winning the Wednesday Stableford with 40 points. On Tuesday Rose Sheath and Kim Oborn won their respective grades and on Monday William Perry won on a countback from Brian Nicoll with 39 points.

Last Saturday saw the team of Phil Hahn and Geoff Wilson win the team event easily with 76 points.

Thursday 10th October 2019 – Lady Veterans Stableford 

Winner: Joanne Short   43 pts   Runner Up:   Cheryl Legge   40 pts   3rd:   Marie Rodgers   33 pts

Wednesday 9th October 2019 – Men’s Stableford 

Winner:  Wayne Griffiths 40 pts   2nd: Dave Ransom 39  pts   3rd:  Tony Rodriguez 38 pts (c/b)   4th:  Ken Mann 38 pts (c/b)   5th:  Peter Rein (Gerringong GC) 38 pts (c/b)

Gross Winner:  George Vlatko   29 (c/b)

Tuesday 8th October 2019 – Ladies Stableford

Div 1 Winner:   Rose Sheath 37 pts   Runner Up:   Lyn Kuskey   33 pts (c/b)

Div 2 Winner:   Kim Oborn   34 pts   Runner Up:   Lorraine Cram   33 pts

Monday 7th October 2019 – Labor Day Stableford Medley 

Winner:   William Perry   39 pts (c/b)   2nd:   Brian Nicoll   39 pts

Saturday 5th October 2019 – Split Six Stableford 

Winners:  Geoff Wilson & Phil Hahn  76 pts  2nd: Phil Lewis & John Hol  71 pts

Ladies Stableford Winner:  Jenelle Anderson 34 pts



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