As the new extension continues to progress VOLUNTEERS will be needed for painting. This will commence in the near future (1-2 weeks). The cladding will be undercoated before installation ( which will be an easier job ), with the 2nd coat going on in situ.
If you think you might be available please leave your name and phone no. at the starters shed, or mention it to either Lieve Stassen or Sue Paul.
If anyone has painting knowledge to pass on i.e. how to best do this let us know.

Thanks in anticipation of your help
Lieve and Sue


  1. the best way to do this is: make sure have trestles to put the job on and paint with a roller the same width as the boards.i could help if you do it this way.let me know the dates you intend to start.
    regards…..richard bremner

    1. Hi Thanks Richard for your offer of assistance. We have had 1 day of painting last Friday with 8 volunteers. A great job was done, but it is the beginning. Fortunately we had the same advice you gave and were organized accordingly. Will let you know when the next day is.

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