News and Views 21st June


The shortest day of the year has arrived and winter has well and truly taken its first frosty bite. This has not affected the strong desire of Jamberoo members to get involved or to just have a game at our lovely course.

It has been very pleasing to hear the positive comments from many members on the efforts of our new greenkeeper Nick. Members are already noticing an improvement in the greens and their surrounds and they are very excited with the new pathway, the improved sprinkler system and the prospects of soon having some new bridges to cross Hyam’s Creek.

Jamberoo Golf Club, truly a great place to be.

Upcoming Events

Saturday June 29 – The Oaks Automotive Jamberoo Ambrose Championship. Don’t forget to book in if you haven’t already done so. From tomorrow you will be able to use OUR GOLF or just ring the club to get your 4 a game. The Members Bar will be open on this day so why not have a drink after your round.

Sunday July 21 – Jamberoo Mens’ Open. Bookings are now being taken for the Men’s Open. This event is our major Open and is part of the Illawarra Open Series. Major sponsor : Elders RE Jamberoo.

Tuesday and Thursday July 2 and 4 – Ladies Veterans Championship.


The Jamberoo Golf Club Men’s ‘Fredericks IGA Eclectic Competition’ will be run again in 2019, following its success in 2018.

The Club would like to acknowledge and thank Trevor Fredericks of Jamberoo IGA for his generous support of this event.


In an Eclectic competition play is conducted over multiple rounds but results in one 18-hole score per player. A player’s Eclectic score is the lowest stroke-play score he has obtained for each hole over the stipulated time period for the competition.

The competition will be run in conjunction with the Club’s normal events and does not require players or Club personnel to do anything more than they already do.


There is no formal entry and no entry fee.

Every Member who plays in an “official” Jamberoo Golf Club, Wednesday or Saturday, Stableford or Stroke competition (including the Jamberoo Men’s Open event on 21 July 2019 and the 4 rounds of the Men’s Club Championships), will be automatically entered into the competition.

Veterans, Team, Split 6 and Par events are not eligible for Eclectic scores.

The Eclectic Competition will run from Wednesday 3 July 2019 until Wednesday 9 November 2019 (Monthly Medal, Gold Medal playoff) inclusive, and consist of 35 eligible rounds, as per the existing Jamberoo Golf Club Programme.

Valid scores from eligible events will be collected and collated on the Club’s new Slice computer system.


  1. To be eligible to win the Eclectic Competition, players must:

(a) be financial Members of Jamberoo Golf Club; and

(b) have played in at least 8 of the 35 eligible rounds.

  1. A score for any hole will only be recorded in the system if there is a gross score entered on the player’s score-card. If, for example, a player “picks up” his ball in a Stableford event, and registers a “wipe” for that hole, an Eclectic score will not be recorded for that specific hole.
  2. The scorecard of a player who registers an NCR during the competition period will not be valid for the Eclectic competition.
  3. If, by the end of the Eclectic competition, a player does not have an Eclectic score recorded for 1 or more holes, that player’s Eclectic scorecard will be invalid.
  4. A player may play in as many of the eligible events as he would like during the Eclectic competition period, subject to the minimum requirement of 8 eligible rounds.
  5. Individual member’s scores will not be revealed during the competition, but leading scores may be publicised.


There will be a Gross and Nett winner of the Eclectic Competition. No doubt the 2018 winners Greg Seymour (Gross) and Wayne Griffiths (Nett) are eager to defend their titles, and of course there will unforgettable ‘Eclectic Moments’!

The Gross winner will be the player with the lowest Eclectic score at the end of the competition, and will be awarded the Fredericks IGA Trophy.

The Nett winner will be the player with the lowest Eclectic score after his handicap has been deducted from his gross Eclectic score. For the purposes of this competition, a player’s handicap will be 50% of his Golf Australia (Golflink) handicap (rounded up or down) on the last day of the competition (for example, GA 8.5 becomes 9, and GA 23.3 becomes 23), irrespective of when a player plays his last round that is eligible for the Eclectic Competition. This is as recommended by Golf Australia: “Golf Competitions and How They Are Played” 10 July 2015.

In the event of tied Eclectic scores in both the Gross and Nett competitions, the winner will be determined on a countback system:

  1. the player’s total score for the EVEN holes (that is, holes 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, and 18).

If the scores are even after the first countback:

  1. the player’s total score for the ODD holes (that is, holes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, and 17).

If the scores are even after the second countback, the winner will be determined by a COIN TOSS to be held at the Presentation function on 8 December 2019.

The successful 2018 Trevor Bell Shield team

Trevor Bell Shield

The latest round of the Trevor Bell Shield was held at The Vale on Monday 17th June and the conditions were cold, wet and windy. We began the round with a one point lead over The Grange so we needed to be at our best.  Everyone struggled in the difficult conditions with the best score of the day only being 37 points. Unfortunately it was not a Jamberoo player because our best two players on the day were George Vlatko (34 points) and Don Thompson (33 points). The rest of us struggled but still achieved a respectable score of 177, which was only 13 points behind the eventual winner of the day, Port Kembla who had 190.

The day’s close scores has resulted in a very interesting leaderboard with 5 clubs within 14 points of each other. The new leader board is as follows:

The Grange        584 points
Port Kembla       582
Jamberoo           577
The Links            572
Kiama                 570
The Vale             540
Wollongong       537

Next round is at Wollongong on 19th August.

Bill Hodgson Retires

Bill has been a very important member of our shop volunteer team handling all of the ordering as well as working shifts in the shop. Bill has been an important part of the team for the past 17 years and after a recent bout of ill health has decided to call it quits and retire from working in the shop.

Bill was heavily involved in managing the shop, ordering of stock as well as being a true volunteer helping to organise the many charity days held at the club.

On behalf of the members I wish Bill a speedy recovery and trust that we he will continue to grace us with his friendly presence about the club.

A true Jamberoo member.

Volunteer needed for the shop

As you have read in the article above our long serving shop manager, Bill Hodgson, has had a recent medical episode and has been forced to step down from his position as chief ordering officer for the shop with immediate effect. It was a sudden occurrence and we wish Bill well for his recovery and hope to see him back out on the course sooner rather than later.

Bill’s retirement means we now have a vacancy for someone who would be willing to undertake the job of keeping the shop well stocked with clothes and golf equipment and accessories. If you are interested in the position please call or contact Chris Goodwin (0418 612 881).

Latest Results

It may have been cold in the morning but golf soon warmed up our hardy members. Playing to your handicap has been a challenge with the course playing without any roll.

Here are last week’s results.

Don’t forget to check your tee time for next Saturday’s Ambrose event.

Wednesday 19th June 2019 – Men’s Stroke inc Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine

A Grade Winner:   George Vlatko   68 nett

B Grade Winner:   Doug Perry   70 nett   2nd:   Gus O’Brien (Kiama GC)   71 nett

C Grade Winner:   Brian Carr   68 nett

D Grade Winner:   Ian Foy   70 nett

Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine (1,4,6,9,12,14,15,16,18) Winner:  Bob Neilson   35.5

Tuesday 18th June 2019 – Ladies 2 Person Ambrose

Winners:  Marie Rodgers & Nicole Woolley  66.25 nett  Runners Up:   Marie Farrant & Judi O’Brien   70.5 nett

Special Result

NSW Ambrose Championships:  Rose Sheath & Kay Ison  77.5 nett

Monday, 17th June 2019 – Veterans – Stableford 

Winner Mal Smith 32 Pts (RV)

Sunday 16th June 2019 – Jamberoo Mixed Open

Mixed Open Winners : Steve and Roslyn Wicks (Port Kembla) 75

Nett Winners : Arthur Bosanquet and Liz Armstrong 67.5

Saturday 15th June 2019 – Stableford 

A Grade Winner:  Tim Young 37 pts

B Grade Winner:  Stephane Seveque 38 pts   2nd:   Ron Hewson 36 pts

C Grade Winner:   Richard Kinkade 36 pts   2nd:   Vince Byrnes 35 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner:  Geoff Boxsell 37 pts

Ladies Stableford Winner:   Jo Burke 31 pts


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