2019-2020 Golf Membership @ Jamberoo

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The Jamberoo Golf Club Membership year ends on May 31.

All membership fees must be finalised by June 30.

Membership Payment Options

  1. Yearly – one payment of $570 payable before June 30. The balance of your trophy account can be used to reduce the amount you need to pay.
  2. Half-Yearly – 1st instalment payable before June 30 of $320 followed by a second payment of $250 in November. The first instalment includes the Golf NSW affiliation fee. The balance of your trophy account can be used to reduce the first instalment.
  3. Monthly – 12 equal monthly payments of $51 to be paid by direct debit through your savings or credit card account. Your trophy account balance cannot be used in this case as the scheme is run by a third-party company.


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