News from the Course – June 23

Upcoming Events

Foursomes Championships June 24

Lady Veteran Golfers Championship July 3 and 5

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First National Coast and Country Jamberoo Men’s Open Sunday July 22

First National Coast and Country Jamberoo Mixed Open Sunday July 29

click here for Mixed Open entry form

click here for Men’s Open entry form

Ladies Pennants

Judi O’Brien with Margaret Cook

Ladies Captain Margaret Cook reports,

“Just want to let you know how we went with pennants this week. Gold won 4-1 against Port Kembla @ the Grange & Silver won 4.5-0.5 against Kiama @ Worrigee Links. Both teams started to play in rain then we had wind but with sun and showers. Silver are leading A group with 1 game to go & gold are in with a good chance with a few games to go”.

Go the Roo!

Greens Committee News

  • A new Greens Mower and Fairway mower have been leased by the club replacing outdated and old equipment. This will lead to an improvement in the presentation of the course. There are plans to include an intermediate cut of rough just off the fairways to enhance the playability of the course.
  • The couch is still being treated regularly and there has been a reduction in the amount present in the greens.
  • The green waste rubbish pile will be removed next Friday after approval was granted by Kiama Council to waive dumping fees.
  • With the current wet conditions members are asked to be careful where they drive carts on the course. No cart should come within 6 metres of a green and please avoid wet areas.
  • Greens are being rolled each week the day before competitions.
  • The course is suffering from members not repairing divots as they play. Please carry and use your sand bucket.

Rule of the Week – Ball in Motion Deflected or Stopped

If your ball in motion is deflected or stopped by you, your caddie your partner, or your partner’s caddie, or by equipment belonging to you or your partner, you incur a penalty of one stroke and play the ball as it lies (Rule 19-2).If your ball in motion is deflected or stopped by another ball at rest, there is normally no penalty and the ball is played as it lies.  However, in stroke play only, if both balls lay on the putting green before you made your stroke, you incur a two-stroke penalty (Rule 19-5a).Ball in Motion Deflected or Stopped

Latest Results

Winter has hit but it has not stopped us playing the game we love. Unfortunately inclement weather forced the cancellation of two days play this week but clearing weather on Wednesday saw the stroke round and mystery nine competition played. To prove that you are well rested after a holiday Ray Sheehan handled the damp conditions well on Wednesday to be the clear winner with a very good 65 nett. Al Thrower continued his recent good form to take second  with 66, while Pete Wheatley, Peter Francis and Bob Neilson  all scored 67 nett. The two Peters won the count-backs. Paul Tucker won the Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine with a nett 32.5 over the 9 selected holes. Ray Sheehan, Mick Bartlett and Italo Baraldi were close. Saturday saw the playing of a club stableford event. Best score of the day was Andrew Ball with a terrific 45 points to easily win B grade by 10! Greg Seymour was the A grade winner with 37 points one better than Matt Tedeschi, Tom Zimmermann and Tony Rodriguez. Dene Herbert scored 39 in C grade to win on a countback from Al Thrower while Geoff Boxsell scored 37 points to win D Grade. Marie Farrant was the Ladies winner with 32 points.

Good luck to all teams in the Men’s Foursomes tomorrow.

Saturday, 23rd June 2018 – Stableford

Winners A: Greg Seymour 37 B: Andrew Ball 45 C: Dene Herbert 39 (c/b) D: Geoff Boxsell 37 Ladies: Marie Farrant 32

Wednesday  20th June 2018 – Stroke including Just Bathrooms Mystery nine 

Winner:   Ray Sheehan 65 nett   2nd:   Al Thrower 66 nett   3rd:   Pete Wheatley 67 nett (c/b)   4th:   Peter Francis 67 nett (c/b)

Mystery Nine (1,2,4,5,6,9,11,12,14)Winner: Paul Tucker 32.5 nett


2 thoughts on “News from the Course – June 23

  1. Thanks Dave. By the way whom won the Foursomes? Cheers GW

    On Sat, 23 Jun 2018 at 16:49, The Jamberoo Golf Club Daily Cow wrote:

    > davidransom1 posted: “Upcoming Events Foursomes Championships June 24 Lady > Veteran Golfers Championship July 3 and 5 First National Coast and Country > Jamberoo Men’s Open Sunday July 22 First National Coast and Country > Jamberoo Mixed Open Sunday July 29 click h” >

    1. The full results are listed on the results page but I can say that the Foursomes Champions are Tony Panecasio and Scott Hainsworth who have defended their title. Arthur Bosanquet and Wayne Arnott were nett winners.

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