The Battle for the White Horse

This being the final report for the year I would like to personally thank each pennant player for their commitment, dedication and outstanding club spirit. This is the prime reason our club can compete successfully against the larger clubs. To quote TP, “We are a tight knit club and the friendliest place to play on the South Coast”. 

As I sit here contemplating the great support received from the club and Pennant players this year it occurs to me that a large part of this is due to the contribution, leadership, commitment and dedication that our 4 Pennant captains have added.

Without their support and tremendous club spirit I don’t believe little Jamberoo Golf Club would continue to be extremely competitive in all pennants against the high-flying big clubs. So again thanks to Tony Panecasio, Chris Leckey, Larry Kent and Col Booth.

It is a reward in itself to represent Jamberoo and I for one am very proud to have the opportunity to wear the club representative shirt in ‘battle’.

I encourage all Jamberoo members to put their name down and experience the unique phenomenon that is Pennant golf.

Dave Ransom, (aka Julius)

And now for the last Report…


Julius went to the extent of bloodletting on Saturday night to ensure his presence at Sunday’s Final Battle would rally his troops, which almost happened.

Octavious and Maximus were wounded early and picked up infections from which they did not recover.

Prince Lucius battled on with wounds and his blue blood could be seen scattered in puddles especially on the 18th where with two spears protruding from his left shoulder he made his final lunge for victory.

Wild Thing also led his opponent back and across the Rubicon but he also picked up an infection which slowly sapped his energy where the only cure was a XXXX but alas the battlefield offered no such luxuries.

The Bishop of Jamberoo beheaded his opponent swiftly with one clean cut  ……………………………. inspiring the battle-hardened Cowpats ………………….but

Arthurious The First fought tenaciously against a much younger opponent often leading him up blind allies and into creeks from which his opponent did not recover.

A 4/2 result is a disappointment and frustrating with shades of the “Ides of March” maybe been delayed to the Ides of June but again Jamberoo has been the ultimate winner which was acknowledged by Golf Illawarra.

Special thanks to all Cowpats who participated in the ‘Battle for the White Horse’, our journey has been fun and enterprising and we look forward to reviewing our ‘Battle Tactics’ for the season ahead.

Best Wishes

Octavious (Col Booth)


A special thanks to the Jamberoo members who came to support the team, Larry Kent, the Lord of the Flies, Titus; Don Thompson, Centurion Cornelius ; Scott Hainsworth, the golden cowpat; and Tom Zimmermann, Sextus, the cougar, the young buck. Your presence and help was much appreciated by the team on the day.



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