News from the Course 17th March

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White Duck Day a ‘quackin’ Success.

Congratulations to Keith Hales and the wonderful members who volunteered their time to help cook, sell beers and raffle tickets and to our ever-supportive sponsors for their kind donations. I can report that over $4400 was raised on the day for Juvenile Diabetes Research.

A special thank you goes to Kris and her team from Drummond Golf Shellharbour and to Srixon Golf for their major sponsorship of the White Duck Day. Thanks also to Elders Real Estate Jamberoo, Just Bathrooms, Accounting Professionals, Sawmill Trading, Waterwells, Jamberoo Pub, Jamberoo IGA, Albion Park Meats, Sporte’s Leisure, the Illawarra Golf Complex and Jamberoo Golf Club Shop for your support.

Of course the Jamberoo Ladies Golf committee must be thanked as well for the luncheon and drink selling.

The golf on the day was sensational with a score of 49.125 winning the event.

Prize winners were

1st Drummond Golf vouchers  – collected by the winning team

2nd Laser putting aids supplied by Drummond Golf – Keith Hales team

3rd Srixon Towels – Bob Elliot team

4th Srixon golf hats – Pat Paris team

5th Srixon golf gloves – Ken Bradley team

6th Srixon golf balls – Chris Goodwin team

Last Place $100 golf practice balls from Illawarra Golf Complex Windang – Rugg/Hasiuk team

Nearest the Pins (3 Srixon golf balls each)

3rd Geoff Wilson

7th Luke Rochford

9th Kim Oborn

11th Dave Ransom

13th John Keeling

12th Long drive 18 or less handicaps – Craig Foster

14th Long drive 19 or more handicaps – P Cahill

6th    Straightest drive – Chris Goodwin

Raffle winners

1st  golf bag (sponsored by Sportes’ Leisure) – Warwick Drew

2nd IGA voucher (sponsored by IGA Jamberoo)– Gary Harvey

3rd Meat vouchers (sponsored by Albion Park Meats) – Geoff King

4th Golf shirt (sponsored by Jamberoo Golf Shop) – Ron Hewson

5th Basket of soft drinks (supplied by Wild) – Ray Sheehan

6th 6 Pack Light Beer( supplied by Jamberoo Pub) – Geoff Boxsell

Thank you to all participants, I am sure you had a great day enjoying golf at our beautiful course.

Weekly Rules Quiz

While chipping onto a green from the thick rough behind the 5th green Pete hits the ball twice with the same swing. In attempting to keep within the rules, Pete counts the stroke and adds a penalty stroke for a total of 2. His marker objects, stating that since the ball was hit twice, two strokes should be counted plus a penalty for a total of 3. Who is correct?

(answer in results section below)

Ad Victoriam [‘towards victory’]

Good luck and play well tomorrow to our semi-finalists in the 2018 Pennants at Wollongong.

The C Pennant team is playing the Grange with an 8.59 hit-off time, while the White Horse Cup handicap matchplay team, the Cowpats, are playing Highlands with a 9.41 hit off time.

Go the Roo!

This Week’s Results

Greens on the improve, weather perfect for golf, let’s get out there and play. Congratulations to Arthur Bosanquet who scored an ace at Bonnie Doon Golf club last Wednesday while playing as a guest of Jamberoo Director Pat Paris.

Rules Quiz answer: According to rule 14-4, Pete is correct in his assessment. Essentially he only made one stroke at the ball. The penalty effectively makes up for the second contact with the ball.

Saturday 17th March 2018 – Countdown

6543 winners  Mal Garrett, Paul Tucker, Phil Lewis, John Childs  105 pts

666 winners Brent McDonald, David Harness, Pat Paris 85 pts

Wednesday 14th March 2018 – Stableford

A and B Grade Winner:   Gary Harvey 46 pts   2nd:   Martin Perry 40 pts

C Grade Winner:   Toby Bartle 44 pts   2nd:   William Little 40 pts

D Grade Winner:   Paul Nicholson 39 pts

Tuesday 13th March 2018 – President vs Captain Match Play

Winners: Captains Team- M Cook, J Anderson, K Brennan, M Simmons, L Bell, L Stassen, S Paul, S Dixon, R Boles, M Rodgers, S Gentle, D Piper, K Oborn


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