Pennant Report week 6

The final weekend of preliminary rounds with Jamberoo having a ‘W’ Sunday, winning all three matches.

B Pennant vs Gerringong @ Shoalhaven Heads

Ray leads the way’

The final game for the B Pennant side was against Gerringong at The Heads

The day was picturesque as we set out to end our campaign on a winning note:

Scott Hainsworth received a forfeit so we were 1 up without a shot being played.

Pat Paris had a tight match early but his big hitting opponent found his range to close it out 4/3.

Ray Orr, promoted up the order, belied he current handicap with a stirring 2/1 victory over his more fancied opponent. He is already talking about playing number 1 or 2 next season as his short game destroys his opponents.

TP played steady golf and with 5 to play was 5 up. Despite a few wobblies a 2/1 win was secured and the points safe.

Jarrod Gehrmann came up against a young gun whose radar was definitely on. A few missed putts proving the difference going down 4/3. His only loss in 2 years.

So a 3-2 win to the good guys.

Thanks to all the lads for the year. We missed out on finals but again were competitive in every match.

Thanks to Club Captain Dave Ransom for the support and organizing. To the semi-final bound teams, C Pennants and Cowpats, bring home the bacon boys.

Go the Roos, Tony Panecasio

White Horse Cup division 3 vs Bowral@ Highlands

‘Flies soar to victory’

Brent ‘the quiet achiever’, as a reward for his undefeated form allowed to act as the top cat. As Captain he wins the toss & elects to bat 2nd, as he said they can “lead the way on the 1st tee”. Down after 2 holes, so true his batting 2nd, he starts his gallant run to get to a 6/4 victory to be the only player undefeated.

‘Gracious’ Don makes a good start and wins the 1st 2 holes, then starts admiring the beautiful Highlands golf course seeing more than he wanted. Losing the next 3, he remembers why he’s there so he wins the next 7 holes, setting up a good win 4/3.

‘Smoking’ Geoff the coffee man arrived as usual with his cup to get his day & game going hot. He gets off to a hot roaring start, only to cool down by being down 5 after 7 holes. He fights back to be 2 down with 4 to play so he is in the game, only to lose on the 18th, 1 down.

Ken is the only lefty in the team. He also likes his coffee on arriving. Every time some-one asks, “how you going”? Its how many fingers he’s up by  pointing DOWN. It’s a lefty thing. We say he’s up. So we think his coping a hiding, when in fact he wins 5/4.

Bryan the smoker, he likes a puff or 2, starts off well winning early for the game to see-saw each way. To be all square at the turn, same at 14 ,so this game’s up for grabs, he then loses the next 3 to go down 3/1.

Larry the touring sportsman has been away all week, at Coffs with the National touch tournament, refereeing. Nothing like golf may I say. Only to pick up a serious knee injury, that gets me ruled out of the finals disappointing. I tell my wife who is a nurse, “no I’m not playing not worth it”. Hmm, well I speak to Club Captain David about forfeiting my game, he says get a cart if you want & tell the other captain. I decide to forfeit but when I arrived I get the clubs out so no pain no gain. As we are team, 1 in all in, so I’m 3 down after 3, then win 4 of the next 6 to be 1 up on the turn. I then tell my opponent how he nearly won the game by forfeit, he says “I’ll take it easy on you”, so I win the next 3 to be 4 up with 6 to go. After losing the next 2 to only be 2 up 4 to play.

Then 2/ 3 to go it’s game over 3/2 my way, thank god for pain relief tablets.

A good team victory 4/2.

Overall, winning 3 & losing only 1 match [on a horrible day at Russell Vale] is a very pleasing team effort and the men should be proud of their performance.

Thanks to Peter (cobber) Young who also played his vital part in our team.


Brent McDonald won 6/4

Don Thompson won 4/3

Larry Kent won 3/2

Geoff Wilson lost on the 18th

Brian Nicoll lost 3/1

Ken Bradley won 5/4

For photos taken on the day click here

Photos courtesy of Wollondilly Sports | Geoff Rech

“C” Pennant v Russell Vale @ Jamberoo

Jamberoo 5 v Russell Vale 0 

“The Shark’s regain their bite!”

After 6 rounds of challenging golf this season the C Pennant boys have qualified for this year’s finals finishing 2nd in our division.

This is our 4th year in a row we have reached the finals and it shows the great determination and camaraderie that these fellows possess.

With a slight undertone of pressure that we had to win to reach the semi’s, all the boy’s stood up and had fantastic wins.

Wayne Griffiths 6/4

Chris Leckey 5/4

Tom Zimmermann 2/1

Tim Young 4/2

Andrew Ball 3/2

Boyd Sylvester was the behind the scenes guy today, cooking, marshalling and offering support. We had tremendous help from Bob Wright and “Cowpat legend” Shane Townsend caddying for the team as did Arthur Bosanquet.

This leaves us with a match next week in Wollongong v The Grange to qualify for the 2018 final.

C Leckey

Semi-finals @ Wollongong GC

Sharks vs The Grange 8.59

Cowpats vs Highlands 9.41

Go the Roos!

One thought on “Pennant Report week 6

  1. Well played to all of our club representatives in the pennants teams. You have done the club proud.

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