News From the Course 10th March

Men’s Pennants Final Preliminary Round

Tomorrow is W-Day for our Pennant teams. The B Pennant and White Horse Cup division 3  teams may find themselves one win shy of a semi-final berth but a Win will cement a good showing in this year’s pennants. The C Pennant must Win if they are to qualify for the semi-finals. The good news is that they are playing at home this Sunday. The White Horse Cup division 1 team have the weekend off.

Greens Committee Report to members

I have been advised the soil supplier has admitted responsibility for greens damage and has apologised. The invoice will not need to be paid and they will pay for the re-seeding of the greens.

The greenkeeper expects the reseeding of the greens to be complete within 6 to 8 weeks with the bare areas again in satisfactory order.

Update: Couch in-growth in greens

Based on feedback from members the control of the couch grass in the greens has been a high priority for the Club for some months, and it will be an on-going task throughout the year.

The very warm weather over the summer months has provided the couch grass with ideal growing conditions. A selective herbicide has been applied to all greens on several occasions over the past few months, with some effect. The next step is to scarify the affected greens with the aim of breaking up the couch patches to allow the herbicide to have more affect and the preferred grass to infill the areas. The scarifying of greens was undertaken this week.

The medium to long term solution is to replace the affected sections of green with new grass. This would require a ready supply of grass, ideally from a “greens’ nursery” established on the course. As this would involve significant resources, the Greens Committee have made a recommendation that the Board include the development of the nursery in the proposed Course Development Plan.

The 12th green has been infected for several years and there are plans in place to relay the green or to replace the grass with grass from the nursery green yet to be built. Because of the large costs involved all of this depends on finances becoming available.

Rule of the Week – ‘nearest point of relief ‘

Quite often I see people on the course unaware of what to do when finding the nearest point of relief. I hope the video here will help you proceed correctly in future. See Video

Snakes Alive

Just a gentle reminder that 3 black snakes have been spotted in the drain beside the 16th fairway and up to the 17th green. Probably a good idea to take the penalty rather than risk a bite.

Most snake bites happen when people try to kill or capture them. If you come across a snake, don’t panic. Back away to a safe distance and let it move away. Snakes often want to escape when disturbed.

All snake bites must be treated as potentially life-threatening. If you are bitten by a snake, call triple zero (000) for an ambulance.

Saturday pre-booked Time Spots

Every 6 months 5 time-slots have been allocated to members who have pre-purchased the rights to these times. This arrangement is of 6 months duration for a cost of $100 per time-slot. The option to renew is made at the end of March and November each year. Any other members interested in paying for a reserved time-slot should express an interest by application to the Secretary of Jamberoo Golf Club through the Office prior to the aforementioned review dates. If more than 5 applications are received then a ballot will be held.

This Week’s Results

Cooler weather has made it very pleasant to play golf this week. Monday saw a large group of Mens Veterans play a stableford. Links Shellcove visitor Gary Barling was too strong in division 1 with 40 points with George Vlako second on 37. Division2 was won by Pat Travers with 43 points winning on a countback from Will Little. The Ladies played the March monthly medal on Tuesday with Judy Casey having the best score with a nett 71. Margaret Cook took out the Golfmart voucher. Wednesday saw the playing of the Drummond Golf Stableford. William Little continued his good form to take out the voucher with 40 points on a countback from some other guy!

Today a single grade day stableford was played with Ron Chilby winning the day with 41 points on a countback from Brian Aboozaid and Ron Hewson. Gross winner was Tony Panecasio with 30. Shirley Walsh won the Ladies comp with 32 points.

Hope to see you on the course playing in the White Duck Charity Day next Friday!

Saturday 10th March -Stableford

Winner: Ron Chilby 41 points (c/b)  2nd: Brian Aboozaid 41 points (c/b) 3rd: Ron Hewson 41

Ladies winner: Shirley Walsh 32 pts  Best Gross: Tony Panecasio 30 points

Wednesday 7th March 2018 – Drummond Golf Stableford

A & B Grade Winner:    Dave Ransom 40 pts  2nd:    Eddie Cram 37 pts

C Grade Winner:  William Little 40 pts  2nd: John Brand 38 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner:  Pat Travers 33 pts


Voucher Winner: William  Little 40 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 6th March 2018 – Ladies Monthly Medal

Stroke Results

Winner:   Judy Casey 71 nett  2nd:   Shirley Walsh 72 nett

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1 Medal Winner:  Shirley Dixon 76 nett  Gross Winner:  Judi O’Brien 92 gross

Div 2 Medal Winner:  Judt Casey 71 nett  Gross Winner:  Shirley Walsh 97 gross

Div 3 Medal Winner:  Lyn Walker 79 nett  Gross Winner:  Lyn Walker 117 gross

Golf Mart Voucher: Judy Casey

Hairdressers Trophy: Margaret Cook

Ladies Stableford Winner:  Marg Chaffey 30 pts

Monday, 5th March 2018 – Veterans Stableford

Div 1 Winner Gary Barling 40 Pts (L) 2nd George Vlatko 37 Pts 3rd John Brand 35 Pts (c/b)

Div 2 Winner Pat Travers 43 Pts 2nd William Little 43 Pts 3rd Phil Gosling 40 Pts

2 thoughts on “News From the Course 10th March

  1. I know how 2nd: Brian Aboozaid 41 points (c/b) 3rd: Ron Hewson 41feel. I scored 42 points last week and still didn’t win.

    Sent from Mail for Windows 10


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