News from the Course 24th February

Upcoming Charity Golf Days

White Duck Day for JDRF – Friday 16th March

Ladies Ovarian Cancer Charity Day –  Tuesday March 27

Ball Credits

Don’t forget that with the coming end of the membership financial year you can trade in your ball credits for goods in our golf shop. At $2.50 per ball you can get that new pair of shoes that you have been looking at, or even that new club shirt!

If we don’t have what you want in stock we can get it quickly for you.

It seems like a good idea to me.

Illawarra Veterans Week of Golf round 2 @jamberoogolf

A great round of golf was played at Jamberoo on Tuesday as part of this week’s Illawarra Veterans Week of Golf. We hope all visitors enjoyed their day and the lovely cakes, scones and sausage sizzle.

During the day there were two eagles recorded. Our own Phil Hahn achieved his on the 16th.  Playing very ‘ordinary’ golf, he chipped in twice for birdies and holed his second on the 16th for an eagle, to win B division on a countback.

President Phil Hahn seen here with Lance Fredericks

The question is… will a Jamberoo member win each day?

Rules Quiz

Here is a teaser to think about

“A player hits their ball toward a large area of ground under repair and it is virtually certain that the ball is in the GUR but the player is unable to find it. How may the player proceed?”

A The ball is lost and the player must return to the place from where the previous stroke was played and play from there under penalty of one stroke.

B The player must estimate where the ball would have come to rest and drop a ball within one club-length and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief outside the GUR.

C If the player chooses to take relief from the GUR, he or she must first determine where the ball last crossed the margin of the GUR. Then, using this as the reference point, the player must drop a ball within one club-length of and not nearer the hole than the nearest point of relief.

The correct answer is explained below

Greens report

The state of the greens with the couch infestation is of prime concern to the members of the club. The reason for this infestation is multi-factored and is the result of several conditions, which may include seed initially transferred to the greens by birds, wildlife and the bottom of shoes, by seeds in the water sourced from the farms near the 16th green and then used by our automated systems, by couch being very resilient and a native grass in the area and perhaps in contaminated soil from previous green dustings. The greens are being treated chemically and although it doesn’t seem apparent I have been told that the couch may be coming under control. I will give more info on this next week and confirm this theory.

The burned [dead looking] sections on the greens is also of serious concern and your greens committee will be seeking answers and solutions to this issue as well.

Last week it was reported that soil samples were taken to confirm if the soil purchased for greens renovation was contaminated. We are waiting on these results.

Visiting Golfers in our Competitions

All visiting golfers are most welcome to play in any competition at Jamberoo Golf Club for a surcharge of $5 per competition. They are of course ineligible to win a monthly medal or club championship but can win the prize of the day.

A Visiting Golfer must have played five games out of their last twenty games at their home course to be eligible to win a prize in a competition but they can still participate in the ball comp and nearest the pins if they fail to meet this criteria.

Time Slots

For Saturday competitions, five time-slots have been allocated to members who have pre-purchased the rights to these times. This arrangement is of six month duration and is subject to review and the option for renewal by JGC in October and March each year. Any other members interested in paying for a reserved time-slot should express an interest by application to the committee prior to the aforementioned review dates. All other time-slots become available to members at 5pm on the Wednesday, ten days prior to the event. Any members present at the Golf Club at
this time will be issued with a numbered ticket. A draw will be made, and when a member’s number comes up he/she may write in one group of players against one starting time slot.
The time sheet is then available at the Golf Shop on Thursday morning where bookings can be made in person or by phone.
Wednesday time sheets become available at the start of competition on the Wednesday prior to the competition. Members may book themselves and a maximum of three others into the one time slot. Telephone bookings will not be taken until later in the day.

If for any reason you cannot attend your tee time please contact the starter as soon as possible so that your place can be re-allocated to another member. Do not make bookings if you are aware that you will be absent on that day.

Survey Results and Match Committee Decision

The members have voted on the options for the area behind the 2nd green. Here are the results:

Leave it as it is, with a compulsory free drop in the drop zone 33%  
Make the area out of bounds with shots replayed after a penalty 33%  
Make it a Hazard Area with a compulsory drop in the drop zone after a penalty 27%  
Make it compulsory to replay the shot without a penalty 7%

Consequently the match committee have decided to leave the area as a garden area with a compulsory free drop allowed as is presently the case.

This will allow the area behind the green to be cleared for future modifications.

Latest Results

Members are reminded to check the competition of the day which is always printed on your score card. Last Wednesday, for instance, several people were disqualified as they played a stableford. If they had a ‘wipe’ and didn’t enter a stroke score on that hole then I am sorry to say they were DQ’d. Don’t assume a round is a stableford, LOOK on your card or on the board!

Quiz Answer: (c) Rule 25-1c Ball in Abnormal Ground Condition Not Found – it must be virtually certain that the ball is in the abnormal ground condition to apply this rule – otherwise the player must proceed under Rule 27-1 Lost Ball.

A great round was played by George Vlatko on Monday in the veterans comp, 45 points off his 6 handicap, 3 under par off the stick. In all the excitement George unfortunately forgot to sign his card and was disqualified. What a pity. Still great golf though! Geoff Evans didn’t forget to sign his card and he was the standout winner with 45 points of his own. Well played. Mick Farmilo and Brian Carr also had good scores on the day.

The Ladies played a nine-hole stableford on Tuesday and Shirley Walsh emerged the victor with 17 points. The Illawarra Veteran Golfers committee wish to thank our Ladies for the opportunity of playing at Jamberoo despite it being the Ladies comp day.

The Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine was played in conjunction with the Wednesday stroke round. Queensland visitor John Sulejmani won A grade with 65 nett and was most praising of the layout of our course. He used his voucher to buy a club shirt to remind him of his great day at Jamberoo. Bruce Michie won B grade on a countback from Bob Neilson with 64 nett while Jeff Draper finally turned one of his promising rounds into a win in C grade with 60 nett narrowly beating Stuart Irvine who had a 61. Bruce Piggott played well to win D grade with a 63.

Jack Cashmore was able to win the mystery nine by 1 with his nett 32 over the mystery holes chosen

Saturday’s Aggregate winners were  Robert Anderson & Jim Henry with 78 points while Ian Bradburn won the individual with 41 points. Loretta Green was the Ladies winner with 39 points.

Saturday 24 February – Stableford, 2 Ball Aggregate in conjunction

Ist place Ian Bradburn 41 pts,

2nd place John Paul 40pts (cb)

3rd place Ray Sheehan 40 pts

Mens Aggregate winners Robert Anderson & Jim Henry 78 pts

Ladies winner Loretta Green 39 pts

Ladies Aggregate winners Margaret Cook & Loretta Green 71pts

Wednesday 21st February 2018 – Stroke inc. Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine

A Grade Winner:  John Sulejmani (Mt Warren Park GC) 65 nett

B Grade Winner:  Bruce Michie (Links Shell Cove) 64 nett (c/b)

C Grade Winner:  Jeff Draper 60 nett  2nd:   Stuart Irvine 61 nett (c/b)

D Grade Winner: Bruce Piggott 63 nett

Just Bathrooms Mystery Nine: (1,4,6,9,12,14,15,16,18) Winner: Jack Cashmore 32 nett

Tuesday 20th February 2018 – Ladies 9 Hole Stableford

Winner: Shirley Walsh 17 pts  Runner Up: Pam Middlebrook  16 pts

Monday 19th February 2018 – Veterans Stableford

Winner Geoff Evans 45 Pts, 2nd Mick Farmilo 43 Pts, 3rd  Brian Carr 40 Pts (C/b)


2 thoughts on “News from the Course 24th February

  1. Gday Dave. Good news bite as usual. I think the rules quiz is great and should be continued, as we discussed. Just to show that I do read your editorials, Re the quiz today, my understanding is that it is the marker rather than the player who must be satisfied where a ball has most likely finished. Then the relief or penalty can be applied according to the satisfaction of the marker. Has that changed? Cheers Geoff

    On Sat, 24 Feb 2018 at 17:09, The Jamberoo Golf Club Daily Cow wrote:

    > davidransom1 posted: ” Upcoming Charity Golf Days White Duck Day for JDRF > – Friday 16th March Ladies Ovarian Cancer Charity Day – Tuesday March 27 > Ball Credits Don’t forget that with the coming end of the membership > financial year you can trade in your ball credits for” >

    1. Answer[and question] sourced from Golf NSW but you are correct. It must be cleared by the marker.

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