Opening Day 2018 Pennants

Opening matches of the season were played last Sunday with Jamberoo having a great first day.

Terrific performances were put in by all teams with the B Pennant team, the White Horse Cup Flies and C Pennant Sharks winning their matches and the White Horse Cup Cowpats starting with a draw.


C Pennant squad 2018
The C Pennant ‘Sharks’ started their season with a win.

It is only early in the season but lets all hope that this impressive start can be continued deep into the competition.

According to Jamberoo custom each team captain will present a report of their respective matches each week.

Ad Victoriam

B Pennant round 1

Jamberoo B Pennant travelled to Nowra to face Moss Vale in our first round encounter. After losing the final last year the team is keen to go one better.

Pat Paris led off and after a closely fought match triumphed 1up. Pat’s young challenger fell against the pressure. Pete Munro with the assistance of super caddy (Ray) and a couple of great sand saves won 2/1. Scotty (the golden cowpat) Hainsworth stepped up to the B’s with a dominant 7/6 performance. Captain TP suffered the only loss of the day going down 2/1 in a close match while no 1 Jarrod Gehrmann was always in front ending with a 2/1 win.

4-1 winners.

Next week the B’s play against Russell Vale at Gerringong


C  Pennant Report – Round 1 vs  St. George’s Basin

Jamberoo 3.5   def   SGB 1.5

“Sharkies get home with a win”

The “Cs” have kicked off the new season with a solid win over the strong Basin team. This year we play SGB, Russell Vale and Port Kembla on a home and away basis.

This year’s C pennant team is made up with a wealth of experience. It’s fantastic news to have the Young and Old Bucks (Tom Zimmermann and Wayne Griffiths) back after a year off in rehab! And Boyd Sylvester back from his reconnaissance mission @ Port Kembla last year. We are strengthened with the return of 3 from last year’s final appearance in Andrew Ball, Tim Young, v/c, and Chris Leckey capt.

Jamberoo’s green staff presented a pristine course to the visitors and the day started with starter Bruce Hammond calling players to the 1st tee @ Royal Jamberoo.

Today’s results were.

Andrew Ball winning 4/2

Chris Leckey winning 4/3

Tim Young winning 3/1

Tom Zimmermann had a squared match but he had to birdie the 18th to survive, it was great to watch from the balcony.

Wayne Griffiths found tough opposition and went down 5/4.

Boyd Sylvester had the BBQ duty today and did Donna proud. Thanks to Bobby Wright for his support caddying and Bruce Hammond in the starters shed.

The C Pennant team would like to thank Colin Booth for his tremendous support of the club representative teams by supplying the caps for this year’s games, cheers mate.

Next week we play away @ Russell Vale

Chris Leckey

White Horse Cup division 3 – the ‘flies’

Jamberoo 4 defeated Worrigee 2

Well today’s 1st game for the new team of ‘flies’, with some new & inexperienced players was at beautiful Bowral and was a great team start.

With new recruit Brent McDonald winning 2 up, proving to be a good selection decision to let him play his first game for the club, and with Peter (Cobber) Young hanging on to win 2 up at the 18th against a younger, fitter, long-hitter, we were off to a great start.

Don Thompson was up against a solid 9 marker. He tried hard to come from behind and get back in the match after going 4 down early only to just lose 2/1.

Bryan Nicoll never seemed to be really tested, as each time I spoke to him the gap was getting bigger each time. From 2 up, to 3 up then game over up 5/3, hmmm, the silent assassin.

Next our leading pair, 1 & 2, were Geoff Wilson & Ken Bradley. These guys had the hardest tasks up against 2 young guys off 3 & 4. Even up against the odds both Geoff & Brads played extremely well to square their games consolidating our team win.

We are lucky to have had a strong 123 to do the deal.

A division bye followed by a home game bye on February 18 leaves our next match on February 25 against the strong Highlands team at Russell Vale.

Lasa , Lord of the Flies

White Horse Cup division 1 – Cowpats

‘Report to the Senate,  Battle of the Inlet’.

‘Sussex Inlet became a Pond last Sunday’.

2018 Cowpats v3
The Ultra Tune Cowpats arrived at St George’s Basin knowing a win would be an outstanding result as most Sussex players regard St George’s Basin as their home course.

Cowpats came away true Warriors with a positive result, a 3 all draw, given the disadvantage they were confronted with.

Maximus had a spiritual win, together with Prince Lucius and Marcellus, “The Wild Thing”.  With course knowledge making the difference at vital times .

The Hasta Pura Decoration went to Arthur 1 as he fought tenaciously, hanging on to his well earned lead, demonstrating that Gladiator School preparation was justified.

The Vexillum was awarded to the Bishop of Jamberoo, with outstanding courage coming from behind as his competitor begged for mercy.

Finally the Torc was worn by Octavious who eventually achieved momentum to overcome his opponent.

Julius directed his legions well and classified this achievement as one of his better  tactical triumphs.

2018 Cowpat Roster
Maximus = Chris Goodwin; Prince Lucius = Shane Townsend;  Marcellus = Matt Tedeschi; Bishop of Jamberoo = Peter Francis; Arthuros 1 = Arthur Bosanquet; Octavious = Col Booth; Julius = Dave Ransom



Good luck all teams in the upcoming weeks.


14 thoughts on “Opening Day 2018 Pennants

  1. Sorry Capt. not sure Jamberoo members are aware of Greek gods playing Whitehorse Cup in Div 1. Let’s put a name to those who wish to battle and be victorious to the end.
    Go the pats and make sure all pats sniff out the opposition and be victorious
    Cheers all

    1. I’ll let Octavious (aka Col Booth) know of this. As for Greek gods you are way off!

  2. One question! why are we mowing when we have preferred lies?
    There is so much other work to be done.
    LEW FULLER 663.

    1. I agree and I will let the green staff know of your suggestion. They were requested to raise the height of the mowers but they seem to have been lowered again. I am not sure if there is a reason for this, it may have to do with equipment malfunctions.
      Thanks for your comment.

      1. David it is not a question of changing the settings on the mowers, at this time of the year, & with no significant rain I would suggest once a week would be more than sufficient. Why not do other work?
        LEW FULLER. 663.

  3. Preferred lies again.Why are they still mowing every day.The fairways are too short due to mowing not drought.

  4. Thanks Brian for your input. I agree that they don’t need cutting every day, but I have noticed a deterioration in the last week due to the lack of water. Preferred lies are put on to protect the course. I would like the mowers raised and will request this if it is at all possible.

    1. Just stop them mowing every day.Its not the lack of water.We watch them mowing tees that are mud,and fairways that are already down to the roots and yellow.

  5. What I find hard to fathom is that no one else comments on the condition of the course! especially the good players, & what about visiting pennant teams? surely they must remark on it?
    I play on other courses & have’nt struck preferred lies on any of them.
    Regards LEW FULLER. 663.

    1. Having played at several pennant venues this year I can tell you that the only courses that don’t have preferred lies are those with automated fairway watering systems. Visiting pennant players are very praiseworthy of the fairways and even the greens. They are playing their opponent of course and not the course.
      Most A graders (just about all of them) who talk to me would like to see the greens firmer and faster and do not even mention the fairways. The match committee has reinstalled preferred lies as some fairways are a little patchy in the dry parts and would like to protect these areas until the grow back in. Generally speaking the fairways are good as are the green surrounds and don’t show the signs you and Brian are complaining about. I thought they were very good today and I only took a preferred lie on the 5th which is the worst fairway on the course. All my other lies did not influence my shots.
      I agree that the fairways are cut too often for my liking but these people we employ are the professionals so we must trust their methods. Too few cuts would leave us with a cow paddock I suppose.
      My role as captain is not to tell a professional greenkeeper how to cut grass but rather to advise on how I want the course set up, the width of fairways, and the placement of flags. Quite often I am surprised with how a fairway has been shaped without any consultation with me.
      As always your comments are appreciated and respected.

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