Presentation Afternoon

A glorious afternoon with the sky filled with fluffy clouds and a gently cooling light breeze from the south greeted the 2017 Jamberoo Golf Club Presentation. The serene background of our beautiful course at dusk was a perfect setting for the 50 members who had gathered to celebrate the achievements of their fellows and rejoice in the camaraderie of their joint love for our club. Also there was free beer and wine and hams to be won.

It is also a day to thank our major sponsors, Kris Morrison from Drummond Golf Shellharbour and Vivienne Marris from Elders Real Estate Jamberoo for their support of our club.

The proceedings started with the 3rd annual chipping contest held near the 4th green.

I can honestly say that the standard of play was truly inspirational and a vast improvement from previous year’s contests. The Lady golfers in particular all showed some skill with the wedge!

Last year’s winner Viv Marris has clearly been taking lessons but she was outshone today by Judy O’Brien who hit her shot to 76 cm just pipping Ken Bradley who was 78 cm from the pin.

All money raised will be allocated to the Ladies and Mens Pennant teams for 2018.

The gallery in rapt attention silently watching another great chip shot.


Sue Paul receives her Lady Veteran Golfers nett award from Lorraine Cram.


Marie Farrant receives her Ladies Club Champion trophy from Vivienne Marris

More photos will follow in later posts.

After the meal was served and refreshments partaken it was down to the main reason for the day, the presentation of the major club awards and perpetual trophies where members are recognised for their grand performances throughout the year.

Major Award Winners

Ladies A Grade Champion                  Marie Farrant

Ladies B Grade Champion                  Shirley Walsh

Ladies C Grade Champion                  Sue Paul

A Grade Champion                               Steve Rippon

B Grade Champion                                Gary Harvey

C Grade Champion                                Gary Eagleton

D Grade Champion                                Vince Byrnes

Mens Veterans                                        Ray Orr

Ladies Veterans Trophy                        Jenelle Anderson

Ladies Veterans Nett                              Sue Paul

Mens Foursomes Champions               Tony Panecasio & Scott Hainsworth

Mixed Foursomes Champions              Elizabeth Armstrong & Arthur Bosanquet

Single Matchplay                                     Ken Bradley

Fourball Matchplay                                 Arthur Bosanquet & Wayne Arnott

Ladies Fourball Matchplay                    Robyn Gregson & Cheryl Legge

Runners up                                                Jenelle Anderson & Shirley Dixon

Pat Norman Memorial Trophy              Marie Farrant

The Elders Trophy                                    Lieve Stassen & Cheryl Legge

Jamberoo Open Nett winner                  Ray Orr

Jamberoo Ladies Open Nett winner     Lieve Stassen

Best Gross Round in 2017                       Steve Rippon 62

Ladies Golf NSW Medals                        Jenelle Anderson & Cheryl Legge

Eclectic – Elsie Churchill Tray                Jenelle Anderson

Nat Fischer Gobbler Trophy                   Margaret Cook

Most Improved Player                              Lisa Bell

A Grade Gold Medalist                             Peter Munro

B Grade Gold Medalist                             Chris Goodwin

C Grade Gold Medalist                             Mick Burton

D Grade Gold Medalist                             John Corr

Ladies Gold Medalist                                Shirley Walsh


Many thought it a pleasure to see Shirley Walsh claim her gold medal and to hear her story concerning the losing and re-finding of that medal. Apparently they wash pretty well.

All trophy winners had their story to tell and all are to be congratulated.

Each year I am amazed and very pleased to witness the Jamberoo spirit where people help out without being asked not expecting any praise. This is especially true of the lady members who prepared the meal, and help set out the tables and washed up afterwards. These things don’t just happen on their own and I sincerely thank you all for your dedication to the club.

The Afternoon concluded with President Phil Hahn thanking the many volunteers and the organising committee as well as giving his personal congratulations to this year’s major award winners.

It was indeed a pleasant way to spend an afternoon.

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