News from the Course – Saturday 10th October

Club Championships – Round 2 Summary

Two rounds down and two to go, and haven’t things tightened up?

Steve Rippon played another ‘rippa’ of a round and is now considering playing with bandages on permanently! His secret is 41 putts in two rounds. This gives Steve a total of 126 after 2 rounds leading Mark Cassal by 22. If Steve wins the title then he can’t win the nett and this is very close with a whole host of players in with a good chance. Mark Cassal and Greg Seymour share the nett lead on 134 discounting Steve’s 132. Who will step up and challenge Steve?

The B Grade has really tightened up with Bernie McGlinchey making a statement with his 74 off the bat to lead by 2 on 161. Alan Jones, 163 , is next and then John Turner and Gary Harvey both on 164, followed by Andrew Attard on 165, then first round leader, Brian Underwood, and Tom Zimmermann on 166. Several others are close as well. Bernie leads the nett on 131 with John Turner and Doug Perry on 132, while on 134 are Gary Harvey, Brian Underwood and Phil Adams.

C Grade is also very close with at least 10 in with a good show. All that is needed is a good round when the pressure is applied in the next two weeks. Gary Eagleton leads on 173 with Will Little second on 176, Mal Garratt and Warwick Drew on 177, Steve Oppert on 178 and Ron Hewson on 180. Will leads the nett on 128, followed by John Childs on 131 and then Gary and Mal on 133.

In D Grade the race for the title has really opened up with both round 1 leaders struggling in round 2. Vince Brynes is the new leader on 188 with Bob Weir next and Geoff Boxsell on 192 but don’t be surprised if somebody else steps into the fray next Saturday with a great round. Geoff is the nett leader on 130 2 ahead of Bob Weir.

Next Saturday is moving day so who will make the challenge for the title in each grade?

Members make your Bookings

Don’t forget to enter the Community Cancer Link Charity Golf day to be held on Tuesday 31st October. The format of the day will be a 2 person ambrose with “SHOTGUN START” – 8.00 for 8.30 am for both male and female teams. Cost is just $25 per player and includes afternoon tea and luncheon.

Entry form is in the shop so put your name down to help out this worthy charity.

Practice  Fairway

Despite what some members might think the practice fairway is just that, a practice fairway. Provided you have clearly identifiable practice balls you can use it any time, even on comp days. The only other proviso is that practice balls should be hit in a northerly direction from the southern end.

It has come to my attention that some members are aiming their tee shot on the 10th fairway into this area. Do not complain if somebody is there practising, they are perfectly allowed to use this facility. Call out ‘fore’ as you have hit it off line, find your ball and proceed with the hole.

Weekly Results

Did I notice some precipitation from the sky this week, or was I just dreaming? We certainly need some more!

It was a very busy week on the course with a comp or large social group each day.

Best scores recorded were 42 to Italo Baraldi on Monday, +8 to William Perry, +7 to Mal Garratt and +6 to Lew Dare on Wednesday. Lyn Beringer had the best ladies round of +2 on Tuesday.

Hope to see you on the course next week.

Thursday, 12 October 2017 – Trevor Bell Shield – Stableford

Winner   Wayne Griffiths 37 Pts (c/b)

2nd          Ian Unsworth 37 Pts

3rd           Keith Armstrong 36 Pts (SL)

4th           Doug Lees 35 Pts  (SL)

5th           Mark Watler 34 Pts (c/b)(SL)

Wednesday 11th October 2017 – Par

A Grade Winner    Bob Neilson +2

B Grade Winner    Lew Dare +6

C Grade Winner    Bill Perry +8

D Grade Winner   Terry McGill (Kiama GC) +2

Tuesday 10th October 2017 – Ladies Par – White Course

Winner:         Lyn Beringer +2

Runner Up:   Lyn Kuskey +1 (c/b)

Monday 9th October 2017 – Veterans Single Stableford

Winner:  Italo Baraldi 42 Pts

2nd:        Jim Eames 40 Pts (c/b)

3rd:         Murray Bezzant 40 Pts

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