News From the Course – July 29

August Events

The club matchplay championships for both ladies and gentlemen are in full swing with round 1 and some round 2 matches taking place at the club. Good luck and play well to all competitors.

Don’t forget to enter the Keno GolfNSW fourball Illawarra final to be held at our club on August 13. The entry form is in the golf shop.

Sunday August 20 sees the playing of the club Mixed Foursomes Championship where Marie Farrant and Pat Paris look to defend their title. The time sheet is in the golf shop.

This Thursday is the Lady Vets Open day for both male and female players. Lunch for $5 after the game is great value so why not play and stay for lunch?

The Annual General Meeting of Jamberoo Golf Club will be held on Wednesday August 23 at 7 pm in the members lounge. Attend and find out what is happening at your club.

Mixed Open Tomorrow

The Jamberoo Mixed Open will be held at the club tomorrow with several visiting players in attendance. This includes the defending champions Andrew and Juanita Robb from Glenmore. Some strong Jamberoo pairs have put their names down to play so a close result seems likely.

Latest Results

Congratulations to all winners in this week’s competitions. This is especially so to Colin Mitchell from the Links and to our own Ray Orr for their excellent performances in being the major winners in last Sunday’s Jamberoo Open. They handled the very firm and fast and windy conditions of the course the best of all competitors many of whom were again troubled by our little course!

Saturday, 22nd July 2017 – Single Stableford

A Grade Winner     Arthur Bosanquet 42 pts

B Grade Winner    Brian O’Hare 42 pts  2nd   Ron Chilby 41 pts

C Grade Winner    Michael Bartlett 38 pts   2nd  Paul Tucker 37 pts

D Grade Winner    Keith Hales 42 pts

Ladies Winner    Jenelle Anderson 39pts

Wednesday, 26 July 2017 – Stableford

A & B Grade Winner  Lew Dare 39 pts    2nd Place   Doug Perry 36 pts

C & D Grade Winner  Mal Garratt 37 pts   2nd Place   Ray Pearson 35 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 25th July 2017 – Ladies – 4BBB Stableford

Winners: Judi O’Brien and Kay Brennan 43 pts

Runners up: Robyn Gregson and Robyn Boles 42 pts

Sunday, 23rd July 2017 – Jamberoo Mens’ Open

Gross Winner Colin Mitchell 70    Runner Up Danny Nesbitt 71 (c/b)

Nett Winner Ray Orr 66       Runner Up Con Kiayias 68 (c/b)

A Grade Gross Winner Paul Fairall 71  Nett Winner Bruce Byers 68

B Grade Gross Winner Will Blomley 83  Nett Winner Alan Jones 69 (c/b)

C Grade Gross Winner Michael Burton 93    Nett Winner Nathan Joannou 69

Eagle on 12th S Townsend (RV)


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