Play the hidden gem of the Illawarra for $10 per week!

Members, let’s get the word out!

Membership for $10 a week what a bargain!

Vets Tournament gal33

JUST minutes inland from Kiama, nestled in the lush, green, Jamberoo Valley and embraced by Hyam’s Creek and the Minnamurra River.

Experience the natural beauty and the challenge of a course designed to suit all levels of golfing skills. Play one of the most beautiful courses on the NSW south coast.

All this and we have the best value membership and social green fees on the coast.


Enjoy golf the way you want it and never fight for a tee time.


Join Jamberoo Golf Club and take advantage of all the benefits of membership, including access to all club competitions and unlimited use of the course for practice and social golf.

Full year Adult ($520), Intermediate (for 18 to 24 year olds – $260)) or Junior Membership ($40) available. No nomination fees. Ask about our regular specials.

Getting an official handicap is easy and will open you to a new world of competitive golf.


10 thoughts on “Play the hidden gem of the Illawarra for $10 per week!

      1. Hi Daryl,
        This article was written in 2017 and certainly isn’t relevant in 2019.
        The designer of the web page likes to see pages stay as a historical record of the website.
        I don’t know if I have the relevant clearance to do this but I will try.

  1. couldn,t agree more dave. great value great course considering all the weather events etc. the course with the help of volunteers & green staff has come up a treat again.same old problem though with slow play. if you don,t get a tee time before 8.00am you are looking at 4 -4.5+ hours to play a round. why record tee times & finish times if nothing is going to be done about it

  2. Thanks Warren.
    I had players record the times of rounds before I went on holidays in June. I found out that an average stableford round should take between 3.45 and 4 hours. I also found out that Wednesday rounds seem to be longer than those on a Saturday.
    Not all players put down their times but I was able to work out a couple of groups who are dawdling and slowing everybody else down. The intent is not to get players to quit playing but to make them aware of their relative position in the field and to make the day more enjoyable for all.
    After several more complaints today, expect to see me out on the course next Wednesday acting as a ranger.
    I now need some members to assist me with this task. Please leave your name and contact details with the starter if you can help.

    1. I don’t agree that rangers on the course is the way to go. Confrontation on the course is not in the spirit of JGC. If I have a slow round I should be penalised not abused. Hit me in pocket. ie,two shots added to my card after it’s been signed and placed in the box. I think this will get the message out. I’ve been told it works at other clubs all over world.

      1. Thanks Tony, indeed you are correct. However you can’t just tell a group that they are penalised after the round without giving them a warning on the course and a chance to catch up, like the pros, who get put on a clock if they lose contact with their position in the field.
        I envision the role of a ranger as informing groups that they need firstly, to pick up their pace, secondly, place them ‘on the clock’, and thirdly to apply a penalty. All in a friendly ‘Jamberoo spirit’ way.
        You must remember that all groups sometimes have moments where multiple ‘hacks’, or a search for a ball can cause a slight delay. If this happens then that group must make up the time and catch up.
        Of course, if the lowest marker in each group would take their responsibility of keeping their group in place then all of this wouldn’t be necessary.
        Modern research by the R&A suggests that slow play is still a problem at every course in the world and one of the main causes of people giving up golf. They suggest 10 minute intervals in tee times, groups of 3’s instead of four and suggested times on the card or course telling you where you should be after a certain time in a round. I am working on the last idea but in the mean time I will need to go out and act as a ‘mobile sign’.

  3. Captain Dave. Great reply. Best of luck in your endeavour to fix this problem,i hope you don’t have to go it alone on this one.

  4. thanks for your prompt response Dave. I was really hoping to educate rather than castigate & i fear your efforts may be met with a hostile response. Most slow players don,t like to be told they are slow.I like Tony,s idea of a 2 stroke penalty& maybe if that was imposed as they were about to put their score in with the knowledge of what time they started & finished their round plus the marshalls observations on the course it would be very hard to argue the point. either way ,good luck!!

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