News From the Course


The Levy in Action

What a difference the completion of the new bridge has made to the area around the 7th tee.  I can imagine people stopping to take photos just like at St Andrews! Well done to Lance , John and our green-keeper, Martin.

The next project will be pathways near the 18th tee.

Also,  starting from the 1st of July for a period of three months, we are requesting members who are playing a non-competition round on the course to also pay the $1 levy. This will include the chicken run. Social rounds by visitors will also be charged the $1 levy as well.

Upcoming Events

The Men’s foursomes championships will be held on Sunday 25th of June to be played over 27 holes. The booking sheet is in the golf shop so it is time organise your team and book a time.

The entry forms for the Men’s Individual and Fourball matchplay championships are also in the golf shop so please put your name down if you are interested in playing in these important club events.

Weekly Results

Beautiful weather, excellent greens and a firming course have led to some brilliant scoring in our comps this week.

Saturday, 13 May 2017 –  Par

A Grade Winner  Con Kiayias +5

B Grade Winner  Wayne Griffiths +7  2nd Place  Eddie Cram +6

C Grade Winner   Don Roberts +4

D Grade Winner  John Procter  +1

Supershot – 7th   Les Hanigan 52 cm again!

Ladies Winner: Jenelle  Anderson  +3

Wednesday 10 May 2017 – Super Grade Day Stableford

Winner   Larry Osterhaus  44 pts

2nd    William Little  43 Pts

3rd    Chris Goodwin  42 pts (c/b)

4th    Kevin O’Rourke 42 pts

Best Gross Score   Ray Orr  24 pts (c/b)

Tuesday 9 May 2017 – Ladies Open Tournament Stroke/Stableford

Overall Gross Winner  N Moon 88 gross (Federal GC) 2nd  G Pottenger 89 gross (Kiama GC)

Overall Nett and Division Winner   Lieve Stassen 69 nett

Div 1 Nett Winner  Margaret Cook 75 nett  2nd  Elizabeth Armstrong 76 nett

Div 2 Stroke Winner    J Goddard 102 gross (c/b) (Gerringong GC)

Div 2 Nett Winner J Nethery 76 nett (c/b) (St Georges Basin)  2nd Suzanne Lang  76  nett (c/b)

Stableford Results

Winner:  Robyn Boles 43 pts  2nd   J Simpson 36 pts (c/b) (Links Shell Cove)  3rd  Margaret Potter 36 pts

Aggregate 2 person Team Winners  Lieve Stassen and Cheryl Legge  70

3 thoughts on “News From the Course

  1. Captain Dave. I think that the foot golf hole on the ninth should be moved further away from the green. The ground in that area is bare and it affects many players line of play.

    1. In the original plan this hole was to be located closer to the tenth tee. I was surprised to see it placed where it is now and I was not informed of the change even though I had helped plan the first nine holes. I agree with you that it is too close to the 9th green and I will see if I can have it moved to a better location.

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