It came to the author’s notice that we have a star amongst us.

At the recent Prestigous Women’s Golf  Illawarra Competition, played at the testing Port Kembla Golf Course,

a certain lady, call it the luck of the Irish,  had a “HOLE IN ONE” at the hard 15th hole.

Well the story goes, this lady has had problems with her putting , well she certainly sorted that problem out       (everyone take note !).

At the presentation dinner she was presented with a special badge to commemorate this special shot, apparently the first lady ever to achieve a “hole in one” in this event.

Our Congratulations to Lieve Stassen on her great shot and representing our Club with honour.

3 thoughts on “CONGRATULATIONS

  1. Congratulations Lieve – A great achievement in golf – you will always remember the day the hole, and the club you used. Good golfing Marie, Jamberoo Ladies Captain

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