Recent Course Tree Removal and Other Works

The Casuarina on the 13th has been heavily pruned to allow more sunlight and help encourage grass growth on the tee

Members will have no doubt noticed a number of large trees have recently been removed or pruned and this had been for a variety of reasons.

  • The diseased pines on the right hand side of the first fairway have been removed.
  • The  casuarina tree alongside the 13th tee has been lopped to allow more light into the tee to encourage growth of the grass on the tee.
  • The large pine alongside the 14th tee has been removed. The roots of this tree were surfacing through the tee restricting the area available for use.
  • The three casuarina trees dividing the practice fairway have been taken out to open up this area for member use. Improvements will be made to the area including the addition of distance markers.

The piped crossing on the 16th fairway is now in use and work will commence on the crossing to the 7th tee.

A number of mounds have also been turfed, along with the area between the 17th green and 18th tee, and artificial grass fitted to the steps of a number of tees.

Diseased pines between the 1st and 18th have been removed

How to repair pitch marks

Further to our story imploring members and visitors to Please Look After Our Greens there were suggestions we inlcude advice on the correct way to repair pitch marks.

Ideally, you should always carry a pitch repair tool(there are some very inexpensive models at the JGC shop);  – always repair your pitch marks (and any others that have been thoughtlessly left behind) ; and learn to do it in the correct fashion, particularly not leaving the patches of bare earth common on many greens at Jamberoo and elsewhere.

In this quick video, golf pro Clem Shaw shows how it is done.



The Greens on our course are showing a need for more care from the users – the Players!

Following recent rains and heavy summer watering, the Greens appear softer with a resulting increase in pitch mark damage. Please repair your pitch mark and any other you see nearby. Don’t forget that if your ball comes to rest at the back of the Green, the pitch mark may be at the front and still needs repairing.

Another problem is the scuffing of the green by spikes / sprigs – particularly around the hole. Every effort should be made to keep your feet away from the hole, and, after your group has putted out, tap down the spike scuffs. Remember, the Rules of Golf do not allow you to repair spike marks before you putt out (only pitch marks).

Please take care and good golfing.

Lance Fredericks


Course mowers working overtime

RECENT heavy rainfall combined with hot, steamy conditions have meant the Jamberoo course mowers have had to work overtime dealing with the excess grass growth.

Concern has been expressed from some quarters that there is some new policy about having longer, thicker rough but members can be assured there is no such policy change.

Heavy rain not only interferes with mowing schedules but in hot summer conditions means big growth spurts and in fact the cutting deck gear boxes on both Kubota rough mowers have just had to be reconditioned with bearings and centre shafts mainly due to the extra pressure that has been put on them.

Areas of rough cannot be cut at too low a height (it is “rough” after all”) in anticipation of quicker growth because it can place too much stress on the grass. Large brown patches have already been evident where growth spurt areas have been recently mown.

17th bunker rough reduced

There has been one related course change however and that has been a considerable reduction of the grass bunker rough on the 17th fairway.

This area of rough, centred around the palm tree between the top left of the 17th and the start of the 16th fairway, has been permanently reduced by 5 metres.

New bunker edger

The club has recently purchased a specialised golf bunker edger tool that should significantly aid groundstaff in trimming and maintaining the bunker edges and faces.

Focus on bunker maintenance and improvement will continue

Should we invest in a new towel for the 8th tee?

The perilous state of the towel on the 8th tee ball cleaner

THIS shocking photo of an important course asset was sent to us by an anonymous source concerned at the state of this historic item.

Obviously, with all the concentration on the new course toilet, new bridges, the new greens roller, the works compound resurfacing, the transformation of the bunkers and other course improvements, everyone seems to have forgotten about monitoring the health of the towel attached to the ball cleaner on the 8th Tee.

But while it appears on the surface the towel is in urgent need of attention, we don’t want to get ahead of ourselves.

This seems to be the perfect situation in which to conduct a poll of members.

So the questions is:

Should the club invest in a new towel for the ball cleaner on the 8th tee?

[polldaddy poll=2319695]