News from the Course

Strong showing by Jamberoo team at the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield.

by Lance Fredericks.

After two washouts the third attempt at conducting a round of the Trevor Bell Memorial Shield finally succeeded. 

At The Links Shell Cove today the Links S C team finished with 217 points (best six scores) followed by Jamberoo with 185 points followed by Kiama, Port Kembla and Wollongong.

Links players took out 1st to 3rd places with Wollongong taking fourth. Links players also won both Nearest the Pins.

The next round is at Kiama on June 17 followed by Jamberoo on July 11.

The Jamberoo team was Col Booth, Ken Holt, Peter Francis, Chris Leckey, Ron Chilby, Mal Hoy, Craig Foster and Phil Gosling.

Volunteer Recognition Day – June 10, 1 pm.

To express our gratitude to all those members who helped out by either volunteering their time at the clean up or by donating to the Flood Relief Fund a Recognition Event will be held on Monday June 10.

This will be a casual get together as volunteers are often reluctant to be rewarded for something they do instinctively. It is understood that not all volunteers will be present on this occasion but the BBQ is the best way to have as many as possible gather around.

Set aside Monday June the 10th as Volunteer Recognition Day with a lunch time BBQ starting at 1pm to express gratitude and acknowledge the Jamberoo Spirit and Pride that members have in their Golf Club.

Any member who has volunteered their time or made a donation to the club are most welcome to attend.   

Rod and his coloured balls.

We all know that the Crows have become a little cheeky at present and are stealing balls from the fairways and sometimes off the greens. They seem to be working in teams of 3 or 5 and have a preference for yellow coloured balls!

Rod Hodkinson had his yellow ball stolen on Monday. Replacing it with an orange ball, it too was absconded by the Crows. Trying a blue ball after that it too was nicked by the cheeky crows.

Rod now was only left with white golf balls and managed to keep them for the rest of his round.

Be aware, any colour will attract our cheeky feathered friends.

There is no penalty attached if a Crow steals your ball. Just drop another at the approximate position where the culprit did the dirty on you.

Women Veterans this Thursday.

The Women Vets are playing a Stableford this Thursday with the first tee time at 8am.

Red Shield Appeal Charity Golf Day this Saturday.

Monthly Medal Highlights.

After perfect golfing weather in the early morning, the rain decided to make an appearance at about 10.30 today. This made it quite difficult for our later tee time players.

Despite the soggy conditions there were some incredible feats out on the course and an amazing start to a round.

Let luck guide you!

Firstly, an amazing piece of golf luck happened today on the 15th.

Phil Hahn witnessed the strange happening.

“On 15 Beau Vella was in the trees to the left of the green and chipped in for a birdie. John Auguston was just short of the green on the right. In attempting his chip he sculled it, the ball went screaming over the hump, whacked into the pin about two inches above the hole and ricocheted into the hole for a birdie but in so doing flicked Beau’s ball out. Truly amazing.”

Anything is possible at golf!

A dream start.

On his way to winning the A grade monthly medal and the best gross score of the day, Joe Neilson made an incredible start.

Joe birdied the first hole and then followed it up with an eagle 2 on the second! Very impressive Joe. You will receive 3 balls for your eagle, the monthly medal and entry into the ‘Gold Medal Playoff’ in November as well as credit for the best gross score of the day.

Nett runner up in A grade was the consistent Ken Bradley with a 68.

Martin Perry, playing in the atrocious conditions, managed to ignore these for a few holes recording a trio of birdies on holes 5, 6 and 7 and looked set for a good tilt at the medal. Waterlogged conditions on the back nine for a few holes hurt his chances but he still finished a credible 2nd in the A grade gross.

Determined Matt.

Matt Ross managed his second B grade monthly medal this year with a 1 shot victory over Rod Poidevin and David Piccirillo. David was consoled with a $78.55 super shot win on the 13th. Matt is already pondering a defence of his Gold Medal in November.

Gary Leads the way.

Gary Hemus was our C Grade medalists today with a fantastic 64 nett and joins the Gold Medal Playoff qualifiers. This was the best score of the day in all grades. Al Thrower was runner up in C grade on a countback from Col Booth.

Eagles Nest Won.

The eagles nest on the third was won today with a shot to 23cm. Wayne Griffiths is the deserved recipient of 21 balls courtesy of Oaks Automotive.

The sharpshooters were certainly out in force today on the par threes. Wayne Griffiths on the 3rd to 23cm, David White on the 7th to 40cm and Matt Harrison on the 9th to 93cm. Great shots all.

Pat Paris was today’s golden putter with 25 putts. He will have a chance in November to win the ‘Golden Putter’.

Ian Kennedy was our stableford competition winner today with 30 points while Liz Armstrong won the Women’s stroke round with a nett 79.

Champagne Nine Texas Stableford Winners:  Pam Middlebrook, Helen Wainwright & Neen Coffee  41.4.

On June 15 we get a chance to do it again with the playing of the postponed April Medal.

As Winter Approaches Jamberoo.

Membership Renewals.

Membership renewals become due and payable on June 1 and under the Articles of Association must be finalised by June 30.

Photo by S Paul.

Volunteer Recognition Day.

by Col Booth, promotions manager JGC.

The Daily Cow has featured articles on Volunteers cleaning up the course after the April Floods and has acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the volunteers as well as the generosity of members donating funds from their Trophy Account (a considerable amount was raised, close to $10 000) as well as Nick’s team leading the Chainsaw gang. We are entering the June period and recently received a new batch of Stubby Holders to be dedicated to our volunteers.

To express our gratitude to all these folk a Recognition Event will be held on Monday June 10.

This will be a casual get together as Volunteers are often reluctant to be rewarded for something they do instinctively. Collectively we will not have all Volunteers present on this occasion but the BBQ is the best way to have as many as possible gather around.

Set aside Monday June the 10th as Volunteer Recognition Day with a lunch time BBQ starting at 1pm to express gratitude and acknowledge the Jamberoo Spirit and Pride that members have in their Golf Club.

Any member who has volunteered their time or made a donation to the club are most welcome to attend.   

Greens Committee Meeting Notes.

supplied by R Neilson, Secretary

Greenkeeper’s Report

Our greenkeeper Nick and his staff wish to give their personal thanks to all those members who assisted in the recent flood clean ups. Your time and effort were most appreciated.

Rainfall: May: 295.5 mm so far; 41.5 mm last year.

Clean-up of debris is coming along slowly.

The fire permit has arrived for burning of the stacked debris.

The Oleanders beside the parking lot have been trimmed.

Three more box elders on the 9th have been removed.

Tree pruning and removal; stump grinding: BN reported on the positive response to the latest tree application from Michael Taylor of Kiama Council. BN updated the Tree Management Plan and sent it to Michael Taylor, as requested. BN: We do not have to replace every tree, but they want the total number of trees not to decrease.

Concreting pathways: Discussion of priorities as per last meeting. NG will measure up prioritised pathways and pass on information for action NG: Boundaries between pathways and tee boxes are an issue: agreed that Besser Blocks are a good idea.

The control panels for the pump are being replaced and will be mounted high up on the wall; the breathing holes near the base of the wall will be filled in and ventilation provided higher up.

Emergency Response Team: BN: It was proposed that we have a team in place ready to act in case of floods and to liaise with NG. PM: Not enough direction/co-ordination last time. NG needs to direct things. Agreed that PM will be volunteer co-ordinator and liaise directly with NG so that volunteer work is better organised and plans can be made clear.

An extra chain saw has been approved for purchase fitted with Tungsten chains.

Match Committee Update.

by Dave Ransom, on behalf of the Match Committee.

For play from Saturday 1st June.

Play the ball as it lies.

The course is still damp and mud is adhering to the ball after most shots.

To counteract this ‘lift, clean and replace’ will be available in the general sections of the course after first marking your ball.

This means that preferred lies are no longer available as the ball must be replaced in exactly the same position.

A ball lying in flood damaged areas or in debris piles may still be dropped without penalty not nearer the hole. Please see the noticeboard.

Red Shield Appeal 4 person Ambrose – Saturday 8th of June. Entry fee is $25 which includes a $10 donation to the charity.

Please note that the Vets Championship will now be played on June 24.

The postponed April Monthly Medal will be played on Saturday June 15.

President vs Captain Day

Which team was I on?

An administrative oversight by the starter who, with the great rush this morning, forgot to indicate which team you were representing. Well as it turned out if you were on the booking sheet in positions one and three you were on the President’s team. Positions 2 and 4 you represented the Captain.

The Presidents team seemed to be in a strong position to retain the ‘battered Teapot’ (see the picture below) with early results strongly favouring them. What started as a small ripple and then grew to become an unstoppable tsunami allowed the Captain’s team to overcome the P’s to win back the trophy by the smallest of margins, 6 points.

The Australian Footgolf Open concludes Sunday afternoon. The organisers wish to thank the members for their tolerance and understanding in allowing this slight hindrance to our competition today. It only happens for one day every 4 years but is very important in promoting our club to a wider golfing audience.

Australian Footgolf Open

Jamberoo Golf Club is honoured to be the host club for the 2024 Australian Footgolf Open. It will be contested this weekend.

Some of the best Footgolfers in the world and Australia will be competing with international players from Malaysia, the UK and Japan. Unfortunately our French competitors have been caught in Noumea with the current unrest in New Caledonia.

Friday is a practice day from 1pm.

Competition begins on Saturday from 1 pm and on Sunday from 11.00 am.

If you get the chance give them a true Jamberoo welcome by waving and saying hello to the 15 international players and the 20 top Australian players.

Welcome to all competitors. The members of Jamberoo Golf Club wish you a great time and good results.