As Winter Approaches Jamberoo.

Membership Renewals.

Membership renewals become due and payable on June 1 and under the Articles of Association must be finalised by June 30.

Photo by S Paul.

Volunteer Recognition Day.

by Col Booth, promotions manager JGC.

The Daily Cow has featured articles on Volunteers cleaning up the course after the April Floods and has acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the volunteers as well as the generosity of members donating funds from their Trophy Account (a considerable amount was raised, close to $10 000) as well as Nick’s team leading the Chainsaw gang. We are entering the June period and recently received a new batch of Stubby Holders to be dedicated to our volunteers.

To express our gratitude to all these folk a Recognition Event will be held on Monday June 10.

This will be a casual get together as Volunteers are often reluctant to be rewarded for something they do instinctively. Collectively we will not have all Volunteers present on this occasion but the BBQ is the best way to have as many as possible gather around.

Set aside Monday June the 10th as Volunteer Recognition Day with a lunch time BBQ starting at 1pm to express gratitude and acknowledge the Jamberoo Spirit and Pride that members have in their Golf Club.

Any member who has volunteered their time or made a donation to the club are most welcome to attend.   

Greens Committee Meeting Notes.

supplied by R Neilson, Secretary

Greenkeeper’s Report

Our greenkeeper Nick and his staff wish to give their personal thanks to all those members who assisted in the recent flood clean ups. Your time and effort were most appreciated.

Rainfall: May: 295.5 mm so far; 41.5 mm last year.

Clean-up of debris is coming along slowly.

The fire permit has arrived for burning of the stacked debris.

The Oleanders beside the parking lot have been trimmed.

Three more box elders on the 9th have been removed.

Tree pruning and removal; stump grinding: BN reported on the positive response to the latest tree application from Michael Taylor of Kiama Council. BN updated the Tree Management Plan and sent it to Michael Taylor, as requested. BN: We do not have to replace every tree, but they want the total number of trees not to decrease.

Concreting pathways: Discussion of priorities as per last meeting. NG will measure up prioritised pathways and pass on information for action NG: Boundaries between pathways and tee boxes are an issue: agreed that Besser Blocks are a good idea.

The control panels for the pump are being replaced and will be mounted high up on the wall; the breathing holes near the base of the wall will be filled in and ventilation provided higher up.

Emergency Response Team: BN: It was proposed that we have a team in place ready to act in case of floods and to liaise with NG. PM: Not enough direction/co-ordination last time. NG needs to direct things. Agreed that PM will be volunteer co-ordinator and liaise directly with NG so that volunteer work is better organised and plans can be made clear.

An extra chain saw has been approved for purchase fitted with Tungsten chains.

Match Committee Update.

by Dave Ransom, on behalf of the Match Committee.

For play from Saturday 1st June.

Play the ball as it lies.

The course is still damp and mud is adhering to the ball after most shots.

To counteract this ‘lift, clean and replace’ will be available in the general sections of the course after first marking your ball.

This means that preferred lies are no longer available as the ball must be replaced in exactly the same position.

A ball lying in flood damaged areas or in debris piles may still be dropped without penalty not nearer the hole. Please see the noticeboard.

Red Shield Appeal 4 person Ambrose – Saturday 8th of June. Entry fee is $25 which includes a $10 donation to the charity.

Please note that the Vets Championship will now be played on June 24.

The postponed April Monthly Medal will be played on Saturday June 15.

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