Course Update

The course will be closed for the entire week.

Competition Update

Rounds 1 and 2 of the Women’s Championship has been postponed. The Women’s Match committee will make a decision Tuesday as to when they will be played. 

The postponed Mens April Monthly Medal to be played Saturday June 15 if the course is available.

Vets Championship postponed to June 24.

A chance to get involved.

Important Notice from the Board of JGC.

The Jamberoo Board are reaching out to seek volunteers who are willing to contribute their time, skills, and passion to Jamberoo Golf Club by serving on our Board. 

We currently have vacancies in the crucial roles of Secretary and Treasurer. 

These positions are not just titles but are pivotal in steering our club towards a sustainable future.  

We are looking for individuals who possess a blend of expertise commitment and deep appreciation for the Heritage that defines Jamberoo.  

Secretary Role

Responsible for maintaining board minutes, managing correspondence and ensuring effective communication within the Board and Membership.

 Organisational skills would be a positive attribute. 

Treasurer Role

Overseeing the Financial Health of the club. Manage Budgets and ensure transparent financial reports. 

A background in Financial Management would be beneficial. 

We are also keen to enhance the overall skill set and quality of the Board.  If you have any exposure in business management, strategic planning or other areas that can contribute to the long term sustainability of our club we would be honoured to have you join us.  

In the wake of recent flooding the spirit of volunteerism has never been more evident and we wish to carry this momentum forward. 

Let us get together to preserve the Legacy of Jamberoo Golf Club and ensure it remains a place where heritage and the love of Golf are celebrated for generations to come. 

If you have any interest in volunteering, or know someone who would, please reply to this Daily Cow correspondence. 

Thank you for considering this opportunity to make a difference in Jamberoo’s continuing golfing journey.  

Rain Event Closes Course

With 216 mm of torrential rain overnight the River and Creek have again broken their banks and flooded the course.

The course will be closed for the entire long weekend.

It is also necessary to postpone the Members Volunteer Recognition BBQ which was set for Monday due to safety concerns with the access to the course.

The recognition of our many volunteers and donors is of utmost importance and this event will be held in the near future.

It is a difficult time for the club with the constant bad weather affecting play. Many courses in the district are having the same issues.

We will endure.

Radar image taken at 6.35 am today.

Important News Update

The scheduled Charity Ambrose Event for this Saturday June 8 has been postponed to Saturday June 29th due to the current wet weather forecast and course condition. A single stableford will be played in its place this weekend. 

At this stage the Volunteer Recognition Day set down for Monday June 10 with a lunch time BBQ starting at 1pm will still take place. Any member who has volunteered their time or made a donation to the club are most welcome to attend.   

Course and Comp News – June 5

Women’s Golf News.

by Judi O’Brien

Championships – 11th, 13th & 18th June – please do not use your phone – score cards to be used for champs.

Check Conditions of Play – posted on board outside golf shop each round.

Women Veterans cancelled Thursday due to predicted wet weather.

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1

Monthly Medal Winner – April van Woerkom 71 nett

Gross – April van Woerkom 89 scr.

Putting – Marie Farrant 28 putts

Div 2

Monthly Medal Winner – Shirley Walsh 83 nett c/b

Gross – Shirley Walsh 114 scr.

Putting – Judy Casey 30 putts

Div 3

Monthly Medal Winner – Helen Wainwright 78 nett

Gross – Helen Wainwright 126 scr.

Putting – Barbara Costello 33 putts


Div 1 (0 – 31)

Winner – April van Woerkom 71 nett ($25)

R/Up – Pam Middlebrook 78 nett ($20)

Div 2 (32 – 54)

Winner – Helen Wainwright 78 nett ($25)

R/Up – Rhonda McKinley 83 nett ($20)

Stableford – Winner Neen Coffee 26 pts ($15)

R/up – Kay Ison 25 pts 1 ball

Super Shot – Margaret Cook 16 cm

Drummond Golf Voucher – April van Woerkom

Good golfin’

Preferred lies in place.

Course conditions are such that it is necessary to allow 30cm preferred lies in the general sections of the course as from June 6.

You may clean your ball after marking its position and taking a preferred lie.

Free drops are available from stacked flood debris and any flood damage. This is especially the case near the 12th green.

Saturday Red Shield Charity Ambrose.

Cost of the round is $25 which includes a $10 donation to the Red Shield Appeal which can be claimed in your tax return.

Please consult the rules sheet which will be given to each team before play.

Due to the rule that each team member must have at least 1 tee shot used for each nine and have this recorded on the score card the use of the mi-score phone score App is not to be used for this round.

Enter your hole-by-hole team score into the computer at the end of the round. Use the first group member’s name.