Camp Quality Charity Golf Day 2012

JAMBEROO ladies held their Annual Camp Quality Charity Golf Day on Tuesday 18th September 2012 with a field of 68 ladies and 44 men – a total 112 players.

The game was Canadian Foursomes with plenty of novelty events during the game. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed a BBQ lunch. The Jamberoo lady golfers supplied their famous slices and cakes and asked for a gold coin donation for Camp Quality.

The raffle was a great fundraiser. First prize, a GPS Watch donated by a Jamberoo golfing couple was won by a Jamberoo lady golfer. She was very excited to win such a valuable prize and said it will help her golf. Thanks to our many generous sponsors for their donations for the raffle and golf prizes. Winners went to 12 pairs for men and 15 for ladies.  The Novelty events of Nearest the Pins, Straightest Drives, Longest Drives, and Supershots were ten for men and ten for women.

Jamberoo Ladies have built up a proud tradition of running this event for 20 years, and thank everyone for their generous donations. Many thanks to everyone who helped make this day a big success.

Mrs Ann Tanks, Manager of Camp Quality was present to thank everyone for their generous support and received our cheque for $3,977.00.

Marie Farrant

Ladies Captain

Jamberoo Golf Club

2 thoughts on “Camp Quality Charity Golf Day 2012

  1. We received another $100 donation from Moss Vale Stock & Station Agency after our golf day, our total donation to Camp Quality is $3,977.00.

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