News from the Course 18th December

Merry Christmas from the Club

All members and their families are extended the warmest of Christmas cheer and a hope that Santa brings you that special ‘Chrissie’ present!

The course has needed a good soaking and this week we got a few days of that much needed rain. Even better no competition games were affected!

Quite a few members are currently tasting the sweetness of those hams and turkeys that they won in recent rounds and several others are playing those Christmas rounds. You know, the ones that happen only once a year!

Greg Seymour and Greg Rodgers seem to have hit a purple patch of form both winning twice in the week and Phil Hahn has shown the benefit of several practise sessions with his 2nd place on Saturday losing out to old reliable, Phil Lewis.

Unfortunately some members have told me about their exploits on the last three holes where their good rounds have disappeared without a trace. This is often referred to as the ‘Jamberoo triangle’ syndrome. Brian O’Hare told me he was kicking himself after Wednesday where he missed a very short par putt on the last that took him from winning the comp to nowhere on a countback.

While talking about Brian I would like to heartily thank him for his efforts in updating our club web page with a fresh, new and modern look. Many of the old features will soon begin to re-appear so look forward to this.

Saturday 17 December 2016 – Men’s & Ladies Stableford

A Grade Winner Greg Seymour 41 pts

B Grade Winner Greg Rodgers 43 pts (c/b) 2nd Place Hans Kaer 43 pts   3rd Place Geoff Reynolds 39 pts

C Grade Winner Phil Lewis 41 pts 2nd Place Phil Hahn 40 pts

D Grade Winner Jeff O’Brien 31 pts

Ladies Winner Margaret Cook 31 Pts

Wednesday 14 December 2016 – Men’s Stableford

A & B Grade Winner Greg Rodgers 38 Pts 2nd Place Greg Seymour 37 Pts

C Grade Winner Geoff King 37 Pts

D Grade Winner Dave Ruddy 43 pts.

Cheers and best wishes,

Dave Ransom

4 thoughts on “News from the Course 18th December

    1. It certainly is very pretty at the moment with the Jacarandas in flower. What about a name for the ninth?

  1. The 17th hole is named “liquid amber”. A more appropriate name would be “hungry hungry hippo”. 🙂

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