Postponement of ‘New out of Bounds’


Player and visitor safety is a very important concern at Jamberoo Golf Club. Sometimes the need to consider safety takes precedence over golfing matters.

The 15th tee is an area where there is a potential for players to be hit by errant shots from the 14th tee. You may note the safety screens put in already and the etiquette of calling ‘fore’ if you send your ball off line on the 14th tee. Players have also been advised to stand close to the screen while awaiting their turn on the 15th tee. A tree planting in the area is being implemented but this of course will take time to fully protect the tee. The cost of erecting netting screens is also prohibitive but has also been considered.

Despite all of the above greenstaff and players are still in danger and have recently had near misses in this area.

The implementation of the “new out of bounds” will be postponed until later so that more feedback can be gained.

The greens committee would like you now to continue your feedback and make positive suggestions to improve safety in this area.

Dave Ransom

9 thoughts on “Postponement of ‘New out of Bounds’

  1. I recently bought a net 10Mx10M for my vegie garden.The company was POLYFAB in Victoria.I paid less than half price of what retailers wanted to charge me.their number is (03)97708480.Can,t hurt to get a quote??Look on their website for product range.

  2. I agree that safety is a priority and commend the greens committee for there consideration! However the mitigation action of an out of bounds installation does nothing to eliminate the risk! There will still be people on the 15th tee and there will still be errant tee shots! Therefore no mitigation or elimination of risk. I agree the club has a duty of care and suggest a warning system such as a bell on the 14th tea so if there is an errant tee shout this could be rang are a warning given with additional signage on 15th tee and a designated waiting area marked out behind the tee. By these two proceedule mitigating risk actions the club has reduced the risks to members and visitors. The club has demonstrated and executed duty of care! Additionally a note on all cards of this procedure will further reduce the risk of people ” not knowing . I hope the greens committee could further consider there endeavours to this risk mitigation and maintain the integrity of our 2nd hardest hole?
    Paul Rodgers

  3. I agree that safety is a priority and commend the greens committee for there consideration! However the mitigation action of an out of bounds installation does nothing to eliminate the risk! There will still be people on the 15th tee and there will still be errant tee shots! Therefore no mitigation or elimination of risk. I agree the club has a duty of care and suggest a warning system such as a bell on the 14th tea so if there is an errant tee shout this could be rang are a warning given with additional signage on 15th tee and a designated waiting area marked out behind the tee. By these two proceedule mitigating risk actions the club has reduced the risks to members and visitors. The club has demonstrated and executed duty of care! Additionally a note on all cards of this procedure will further reduce the risk of people ” not knowing . I hope the greens committee could further consider there endeavours to this risk mitigation and maintain the integrity of our 2nd hardest hole?

  4. Thanks Paul, you’re points are as usual poignant. I would personally not like to see the best par three in the Illawarra lose its status. The bell idea is good but I think that people playing the 14th should wait until the bell is rung by players on the 15th once they have cleared the danger area. Cheers.

  5. It is great to see constructive comments on this site..But it still comes back to etiquette of golf..we are not all pros or we would not be playing Jamberoo. A bell sounds good but there are many other areas people would want it once implemented..I also think it would create a loss of almost 1 hole whilst waiting. How many times have players on the first for instance pushed their ball out on 18th. On the 5th out onto 9th tee off, on the 6th out on to the 8th etc etc not to mention teeing off on 15th and hooking on to 14 th..there is a valid point to have a bell on every hole .It will sound like St Mary’s Cathedral on comp is getting to th point where some people would rather have out of bounds if you hit off the fairways…sounds rediculous..but true…As I have said previously GOLF ETIQUETTE..Stray balls will always be there..Even at the PGA…

  6. Ron, the problem of miscued balls has existed in golf since it was first played in the 14th century. Everytime you hit a golf ball there is a risk of injury. By playing the game you accept this risk. Golf courses have traditionally been designed to help counter this problem by designing holes that are parallel to each other to play in opposite directions. The person teeing off can see that they have hit their ball off line in the direction of others and the person approaching the errant shot can take cover if they are ‘fore’ warned and see the approaching ball. The erstwhile planners of Jamberoo Golf Club had this principle in mind when they designed the course. All but one of our holes follows this guideline. The problem of the 15th hole is that you are walking in the same direction of an approaching ball and even after a call of ‘fore’ you may not pick up the trajectory of the incoming missile in time to take appropriate cover. This is where the ringing of a bell would signal the person on the 14th tee that all is clear. The only noise needed on the other holes would be ‘fore’.
    As for a loss of a hole, often you have to wait for your 2nd or 3rd shot into the 14th green, and then have to wait for the 15th green to clear as well. This may actually clear this backlog. Why don’t we try it and find out!

    Now with your point about ETIQUETTE. I agree this is a problem and all members should be proactive and remind offenders to first check to see balls are their own and to leave strays where they found them. If a ball is hit off line always call ‘fore’ and especially to be aware of your position on the course and if anybody in your vicinity is about to play to be quiet. The worst areas for this are on the 1st and the tee complex on the 2nd,11th and 18th holes. People near the golfshop should be aware of the players hitting from the first tee and in the other place look and see who is about. I’m sure the people on the 2nd or 18th are not interested in the fact you pulled your shot on the 11th as they are in the middle of their own swing!
    Be aware of where you are!
    Dave R

    1. Thanks Dave for taking time to reply. Much appreciated..I am glad the percentages were included..that is a very small percentage…I think as members,we do,have to sometimes pull people over, and remind them of ETIQUETTE and their own responsibilities..around the course…I do think the one place we do,show etiquette is actually on the 2nd,11th and 18th..Any how happy golfing..AND A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY AND FELLOW JAMBEROO GOLFERS..ENJOY THE SEASON..

  7. I’ve just been calculating. This year there have been more than 20 000 tee shots from the 14th tee. Less than 20 have been reported as causing trouble. That is 1/10 of 1%. I suppose there are many others that are not reported. The mitigation of this risk is still important though.

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