News from the Course 12th November


Gold Medals Decided

Congratulations go to the following members for their wins in the 2016 Gold Medal Playoffs.

Ladies – Margaret Stephens

A Grade – Pat Paris

B Grade – David White

C Grade – Chris Goodwin

D Grade – John Keeling

The Medals will be presented to our winners on Presentation Night on Sunday 4th December.

Presentation Night

The Annual Presentation Night will be held in the club rooms on Sunday 4th of December commencing at 4 pm.

Club Champions, Foursomes champions, gold medal winners and Matchplay Champions will be presented with their respective trophies and vouchers.

The cost of the evening is $25 per head payable to the office.

Come along and support the achievements of your fellow members. A two course meal will be served and drinks will be available.

Weekly Results

Ray Orr - Vets Champion 2016
Ray Orr

Another great week of golf has been enjoyed by the members of our club this week.

In the veterans, Ray Orr, fired 43 points off his 8 handicap to win A division handily. Reports are that Ray’s last putt hung over the lip leaving him with a 68 off the stick. It would have been Ray’s first par round.

On Saturday the gold medal playoffs were held and very keenly contested indeed. This event is the Jamberoo equivalent of the ‘Tournament of Champions’ with only the past year’s monthly medalists in contention to win this prestigious trophy.

The course was in great condition considering the Friday night rain and the scoring was excellent. The winners were:

A Grade Gold Medal Winner Pat Paris

B Grade  Gold Medal Winner David White

C Grade  Gold Medal Winner Chris Goodwin

D Grade  Gold Medal Winner John Keeling

The Ladies also played their gold medal round on Tuesday and Margaret Stephens proved to be the winner with a fine 68 nett.

Congratulations to this week’s winners.

Saturday 12 November 2016 – Men’s Golf Mart Monthly Medal

& Men’s Gold Medal Playoff

A Grade – Winner David White 63 nett

B Grade – Winner Chris Goodwin 63 nett 2nd Darryl Campbell 65 nett

C Grade – Winner Tim Condon 58 nett 2nd Pat Walsh 62 nett

D Grade – Winner Michael Sheridan 71 nett

Best Gross Steve Rippon 70


A Grade – Gold Medal Winner Pat Paris

B Grade – Gold Medal Winner David White

C Grade – Gold Medal Winner Chris Goodwin

D Grade – Gold Medal Winner John Keeling

Wednesday 9 November 2016 – Men’s Stableford

A Grade Winner Tony Rodriguez 39 pts

B Grade Winner Greg Seymour 40 pts (c/b)

C Grade Winner John Keeling 40 pts, 2nd Place Stuart Irvine 39 pts

D Grade Winner Theo Schmieder 37 pts

Tuesday 8 November 2016 – Ladies Stroke Monthly Medal & Gold Medal Play off

and Stableford

Div 1 Winner Margaret Stephens 68 nett 2nd Judi O’Brien 72 nett

Div 2 Winner Lisa Bell 70 nett 2nd Margaret Potter 72 nett

Monthly Medal Results

Div 1 Medal Winner Judi O’Brien 72 Nett

Div 1 Gross Winner Judi O’Brien 86 Scratch

Div 2 Medal Winner Margaret Stephens 68 Nett

Div 2 Gross Winner Margaret Stephens 95 Scratch

Div 3 Medal Winner Lisa Bell 70 Nett

Div 3 Gross Winner Lisa Bell 110 Scratch

Gold Medal Winner: Margaret Stephens

Stableford Results

Winner: Faye Stanley 29 pts

Monday 7 November – Veterans  Stableford

A Grade Winner Ray Orr 43 Pts 2nd Graham Kuskey 39 Pts (c/b) 3rd Paul Tucker 39 Pts

B Grade Winner Robert Weir 37 Pts (c/b) 2nd Reg Wilson 37 Pts (c/b) 3rd Reg Curnow 37 Pts (c/b)

Dave Ransom

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