News from the Course 11th June

Course returns to fine condition

Last weekend’s rain and consequent inundation has cleared up quickly and all that remains are some piles of debris awaiting removal.

Well done to the greenstaff and the many volunteers who worked tirelessly to clear up the mess and return our course to its grand self.

Hole in One

Congratulations go to Vice-Captain Stuart Potter for his hole in one on the 11th hole on Saturday. Stuart informs me that this is his second hole in one and his first at Jamberoo. A sweetly hit 3 wood got the job done for Stuart.

Apparently when he hit his shot his group mates said that it was going for the green and in fact for the hole. Not believing them, Stuart looked over the green when he couldn’t see his ball on the green, and when he couldn’t find it there, he was sure it must have been out of bounds. Trudging back to the tee Stuart walked by the hole and low and behold there it was, nestled nicely at the bottom of the cup.

Stuart will have his ball mounted as a permanent memento of his perfect shot and will receive a special prize of 6 golf balls from the club as a just reward. Well played Stuart.

Take care around the Course

After last week’s rain the banks of the creeks are slippery and members should proceed very carefully if they happen to go near the edges. Unfortunately Les Hannigan had an episode on the 4th hole with Hyam’s Creek last Wednesday when he went looking for Brian Bennett’s ball.

Apparently as Les got close to the edge he slipped on the mud and down he went landing heavily on his elbow and jarring his shoulder. I thought it was inconsiderate of his mates to say that as an ex-rugby league player one would think he would be used to ‘dropping the elbow’. Les responded that he was a winger and wasn’t called on to do much tackling!

Be careful everyone. We also hope that Les is fine as well.

Not a hole in one, but an Orr in one

Ray Orr has asked if his achievement of holing out into the footgolf hole should be rewarded with a prize. Ray apparently aimed straight at the F/G hole and was amazed when it flew straight in!

Nice shot that.

Ray retrieving his ball from the hole. Remember he is not that tall!

Last Week’s Results

It started with the cold weather arriving, followed by the storm and now the winds. Congratulations to all the members who braved the elements to play in our competitions. Only two competitions were able to be started with Wednesday only seeing 9 holes played.

Saturday 11 June 2016 – Mens Stableford and Ladies Stableford

A Grade Winner David White 36 pts (c/b)

B Grade Winner Brian O’Hare 41 pts (c/b) 2nd Peter Francis 41 pts

C Grade Winner David Connon 39 pts 2nd Phillip Gosling 35 pts

D Grade Winner Carl Poidevin 35 pts

Hole in One – 11th Stuart Potter

Ladies winner Margaret Cook 26 pts

 Wednesday 8 June 2016  – 9 Hole Stableford

Div 1 Winner Italo Baraldi 20 pts

Div 2 Winner Geoff King 19 pts

Div 3 Winner John Procter 17 pts

Club Match Play Results – Round 1

The club matchplay championships have commenced and the first round matches have been of good quality with many close results.

In the singles, Shane Townsend got the scare of his life when he came up against an in-form Leon Polestico winning the last three holes including the playoff 19th to record a victory.

Tom Zimmermann also struggled against the consistent Peter Saunders holding on to win in a playoff on the 19th in very windy conditions.

Mark Cassel also defeated Anthony Smith in the wind winning a very close tussle 2/1.

Mark Cassel_Anthony Smith matchplay
Mark and Anthony ready for their round 1 match

Chris Goodwin accounted for Brian O’Hare 3/2 and Ron Hewson was too strong for Vince Brynes winning 4/3. Round 2 is to be completed by 30th June.

In the Fourball, both games to date have been very close see-sawing affairs with exceptional golf needed to win.

Paul Rodgers and Ron Hewson just defeated Peter Young and Tony Dawson on the 18th, 1 up, in a very exciting match.

Arthur Bosanquet and Wayne Arnott also won on the 18th against the father and son combination of Alan and John Paul. Wayne informs me that his team trailed all day and only got to all square on the 16th before winning the last two holes. Par was beaten by both teams on the day in a quality match between two excellent teams.

Round 2 needs to be finalised by 15th August.

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