Golf and Bowling Clubs Merger Investigation – Notice to Members

On behalf of the Bowling and Golf Clubs, we are pleased to advise you that the two Boards have agreed to form a Merger Investigation Committee to fully investigate the feasibility of the merger of the two Clubs. We have taken this step to ensure that the long term independence and viability of the two clubs is protected at all costs for the benefit of our local community.

The agreed Terms of Reference approved by both boards is to include but not necessarily limited to the following:

• Proposed Constitution and Membership Categories and recommended subscription rates.

• Governance Structure and Framework – Board and Sub-Committee Membership, Terms of Reference and Authority Levels, and board organisational and operational polices.

• Obtaining NSW Government approvals as required from the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing.

• Legal implications of merging all recreational property assets into one title and the minimization of state stamp duty.

• Detailed assessment of the costs to successfully implement the merger and how this can be funded, including the possibility of grants to assist fund the merger costs.

• Detailed cost benefit analysis – review of past 2 years combined financial performance of the two clubs and a forward projection for 5 years based on realistically based assumptions of the likely outcomes of cost reductions and merger implementation costs.

• Branding and marketing recommendations for the new entity including name and website.

• Assessment of staffing requirements.

• Preparation of a submission to both boards with the Committee’s recommendations and if positive, the preparation of a joint information memorandum to the members of both clubs ahead of general meetings.

All members will be aware that the two clubs share many common resources and your boards understand that all clubs continue to face an uncertain future in light of reducing memberships. You can be assured that your directors clearly understand their legal and moral obligations to protect the interests of all members of both clubs in commencing this process.

Other members of the Committee are Geoff Boxsell, Mike Harris, Darryl Campbell, Warren Steel and Bob Anderson. As a team we are committed to ensuring that this investigation will be thorough and that all members of the two clubs will be provided with all the necessary information on which to base any future decisions.

We expect this process to take at least six months as there is a lot of work to be done. The Committee has the power to co-opt others with specialist skills to assist in this process. We are committed to transparency and the Committee will report back to the two boards monthly and update all members whenever this is appropriate.

Any final decision will be made by the members of both Clubs.

Alan Pirie     


Jamberoo Bowling & Recreation Club Ltd

Lance Fredericks 

President (and Committee Chairperson) Jamberoo Golf Club Ltd

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