News from the Course 21st May

Latest Results

Another beautiful week of golf with mild autumn days leading to good sized fields and excellent scores. With the course drying out look out for the scores to soar in the near future.

In the Mens A grade, Tony Rodriguez has made it a hat-trick of wins, and tells me that there is plenty to come, so watch out! In the other grades the usual suspects have again scored well.

Saturday 21 May 2016 – Mens & Ladies Stableford

A Grade Winner Tony Rodriguez 40 pts c/b

B Grade Winner Shane Townsend 44 pts 2nd, Stefane Seveque 39 pts, 3rd Roy Milroy 38 pts

C Grade Winner Glyn Godfrey 42 pts 2nd, Mal Garratt 40 pts

D Grade Winner Bob Crooks 40 pts

Ladies Winner Robyn Gregson 35 pts

Wednesday 18 May 2016  – Mens Stroke

A Grade Winner Tony Rodriguez 73 Nett

B Grade Winner John Hol 63 Nett 2nd, Ray Sheehan 66 Nett

C Grade Winner Ron Hewson 65 Nett (c/b,) 2nd Italo Baraldi 65 Nett

D Grade Winner Keith Hales 64 Nett

Tuesday 17 May 2016 – Ladies Stableford

Div 1 Winner: Lyn Kuskey 36 Pts, Runner Up: Marie Farrant 34 Pts (c/b)

Div 2 Winner: Lyn Walker 33 Pts, Runner Up: Cheryl Legge 32 Pts

Div 3 Winner: Marilyn Hodgson 33 Pts (c/b), Runner Up: Kay Ison 33 Pts

Monday, 16 May 2016 – Veterans – Stableford

Winner Lance Fredericks 40 Pts, 2nd Phil Hahn 38 Pts (c/b)

Phil has a first

Popular starter Philip Gosling has had a first he would rather forget. Last Saturday Phil came last in his grade, the first time in over 40 years at the game. Phil was heard muttering, “I didn’t play that bad”.

Don’t overly worry Phil, it happens to all of us sooner or later.

Practice on the Course

If you are playing a practice round please limit yourself to two balls in play at any one time. This will reduce wear and tear on the course. Don’t forget to repair any divot and pitch marks that you leave.

Crows are about

Watch out crows have been spotted on the 6th and 8th holes taking golf balls from those fairways. Graham Kuskey appeared to be the victim of the other type of crow losing two balls mysteriously last Wednesday before calling it quits early. Please check that you are hitting your own ball to avoid angst among your fellow competitors. If your eyesight is fading (like mine) put a large identifying mark on your ball with a sharpie or marker pen to help you out.

Matchplay Commences

The first club matchplay championship match took place today with Chris Goodwin defeating Brian O’Hare 3/2. It was an interesting match that seemed to be played in three hole stretches. Firstly Chris opened out a 3 hole lead before Brian pegged it back with 3 wins in a row. Chris closed out the match on the 16th after winning 3 holes in a row to win 3 and 2.

Monthly Medals

When you win your grade in a monthly medal stroke round you receive a Golf Mart voucher, an entry into the Gold Medal Playoff and also a commemorative medal.

It has come to my attention that one of the December monthly medalists has lost his medal as it has been handed into the golf office still in its wrappings. The medalists that month were Anthony Smith, Bernie McGlinchey, Garry Humphries and Vince Brynes. Could these gentlemen check if they have lost their medal? If it is you, you can collect it from the office.

Dave Ransom

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