News from the Course – 14 May

Latest results

There was some wind about but beautiful weather for most of the week saw some excellent results recorded in our competitions. The Ladies played the Golf NSW Bowl in a 4BBB stableford format with Shirley Walsh and Kay Brennan moving through the club qualifying round despite losing the daily event on a countback. Well played.

The second ‘Super Grade’ day of the year on Wednesday saw Geoff Stephens edge out John Johnson for the major prize on a countback. Tony Rodriguez managed to win the gross with a score of -5. Congratulations to all the winners during the week. The super grade day is where everybody plays in the one division with consequent larger prizes on offer. Look out for the next one!

Saturday 14 May 2016 – Stableford

A Grade Winner Andrew Attard 39 pts

B Grade Winner Tom Zimmerman 42 pts (c/b), 2nd, Eric Nyholm 42 pts (c/b)

C Grade Winner Bryan Nicholl 39 pts, 2nd, Gordon Dill 37 pts (c/b)

D Grade Winner Bob Weir 38 pts

Ladies Winner Shirley Walsh 33 pts (c/b)

Wednesday 11 May 2016 – Individual Par Super Grade Day

Winner Geoff Stephens +4 (c/b)

Runner up John Johnson +4

3rd Colin Cuthbertson +3 (c/b)

4th Italo Baraldi +3 (c/b)

Gross Winner Tony Rodriguez -5

Tuesday 10 May 2016 – Ladies GNSW Bowl 4BBB Stableford

Winners Lyn Kuskey and Marilyn Hodgson 42 Pts (c/b)

2nd Shirley Walsh and Kay Brennan 42 Pts

3rd Judy Casey and Lisa Bell 40 Pts

The Australian Footgolf Championship Nears

Just a reminder that the Australian F/G championships are being held at the club commencing Thursday 26th of May. Kick off is about 11 am each day except the Saturday where it will be at 1 pm.

Golf on the Saturday will be as usual with tee times from sunrise to 10 am.

Would you like to get close to the action? See the best international and Australian footgolfers up close and personal?

Then why not become a marshal?

Any member interested would be more than welcome to act in the role of marshal for the tournament running Thursday May 26th to Sunday May 29th.

You can be available for one day or for all four. Its up to you.

Come along and enjoy the tournament with your friends and fellow club-mates.

Contact the club on 4236 0404 or 4236 0291 to register your interest.

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