B Pennant team win a close one against Russell Vale

Report by Lance Fredericks

The Jamberoo B Pennant team had a 4/3 win over Russell Vale at Port Kembla on Sunday 20 February.

The match started in scratchy fashion for some and better for others. Two early finishes at the 13th hole resulted in a win and a loss with Pete Munro losing 7/5 and Tom Persson winning 6/5. This set the scene for exciting finishes as we knew that Jarryd Buckley was down, Matt Bell down, Adrian Bell 1 up, Jaryd Byers square and Tim Young 2 up.

As the last two matches left the 15th, we had two wins and three losses with Adrian Bell dormie 3 and Jaryd Byers square.

The spectator group waited by the 17th green for the final result. We saw Adrian and his opponent playing up the 17th and thought he has lost the 16th; can’t he just square this hole?

On arrival at the green Adrian said he had won 3/2 but they both had never played this hole so that’s what they decided to do.

We then waited for Jaryd. If he squares his match then it will be 3 ½ each – another drawn match.

We found to our joy and rapture that he was now 1 up and only had to square the 18th to win his and our match. This he did with, in his words, ‘my best drive and best putt of the whole match’.

In front of the gallery he putted from just off the front of the green, over the dead elephant to within inches of the hole.

Individual results were: Tom Persson 6/5, Jaryd Byers 1up Adrian Bell 3/2 and Tim Young 2up the winners and the three losing matches were: Pete Munro 7/5, Jarryd Buckley 6/4 and Matt Bell 3/1.

Congratulations to all the Team.

Next week’s match is against St Georges Basin at Wollongong.

9 thoughts on “B Pennant team win a close one against Russell Vale

  1. Pete Munro 5/7, Jarryd Buckley 4/6 and Matt Bell 1/3… why did they stop playing???

  2. OK, hands up! _ I gave lots of people flak – I DON’T CARE! last 3 weels, good! – 3 hrs 50, 4 hrs, OK – last weel, Stableford- % HOURS!!. As a 4 ball we le 2 young ladie through in a cart -at the 6th – group in front were SLOW – we let them through, group in fron dropped a hole and a half!! (and still did not let them through!!!!!). Don’t know who was in it, xcept Laurie Meredith, so maybe you can answer – why did you not call them through????) CRAP etiquette! (which is why I am not out there today, or in ANY Medals) – so you tell me, am I being unreasonable, or do Jamberoo members have their heads up their arses?? Yes, Phil Green, I do NOT have anything nice to say about Jamberoo members – because they only have their own interests at heart!! So, Want to talk about it – cool – I will talk to you anytime about golfers with thei r hangups, BUT will NOT tolerate slow PLAY – don’t like it? tough!!

    1. Nice language Noel. How about the kids that might read this website. Seems like you’re the one who only thinks about ME. How about considering that there might be women or children who read the website and don’t appreciate the language.

  3. OK, spelling crap n angry – but you guys need to tighten up and get a course ranger out there – you have so many great guys in the club, but 20 are ruining for the rest – maybe they should tee off at 12 or so, and let your dedicated members et round in a reasonable tome! Anyway, don’t care, am NOT rejoining in May- (as much as I want to) tooooo many aholes with their heads up their bums!) See ya N

    1. Are you volunteering to do the Ranger’s job?
      Seems like you have a few spare hours on medal days since you don’t want to play>

    2. That way at least you’d be contributing to the club instead of whinging about it.

  4. swift correction from the editor, well done 🙂 At times slow play has been a problem with some people. and i agree if u play slow, play later or at least call the group behind through. that way i won’t be told to ‘hurry up’ by the group behind me after i waited 5 minutes on the tee for the group in front, then be dodging their drives on the next hole (P.s to that individual have a look at what is going on before u say something!) and their won’t be anymore rants or members leaving the club 😉 but for the most part comp runs well 🙂

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