Jamberoo Mens Pennant Teams Announced

The following players have been selected to represent Jamberoo Golf Club in the 2016 Golf Illawarra Pennants.

B Pennant:  

Paul Hazeltine©, Jarrod Gehrmann, Adrian Bell, Pat Paris, Anthony Smith, Tony Panecasio, Ray Orr, John Paul.

C Pennant:  

ChrisLeckey©, Tom Zimmermann, Tim Young, Wayne Griffiths, Greg Tarrant, Boyd Sylvester, Tony McRae.

White Horse Cup Red (Division 1)

Lance Fredericks©, Arthur Bosanquet, Ken Bradley, Steve Jackson, Andrew Ball, Brad Jackson, Peter Francis.

White Horse Cup Green (Division 3)

Col Booth©, Scott Hainsworth, Mark Cassel, Matt Tedeschi, Larry Kent, Brian O’Hare, Phil Adams, Shane Townsend.

© designates captain

All teams look strong and should make a great showing in their respective competitions. It would not surprise to see our teams feature in the finals in all divisions. The White Horse Cup are defending their Pennant in 2016.

Team captains will be in contact with their players to arrange a team meeting, where availability, selection policy and tactics will be discussed.

Congratulations to all selected players and good luck in the upcoming season that starts on February 7 for all teams.

2015 White Horse Cup Champions _large
Winning White Horse Cup team 2015


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