News from the Course – November 21

Bernie has his revenge

Well played today to Bernie McGlinchey who won the B Grade competition. What was more important to Bernie however was defeat of his arch-rival Ron Chilby. Ron scored a highly credible 40 points but this paled in comparison to Bernie’s 43. Ron was overheard muttering, “I  had to give him 4 shots and how fair is that”. I didn’t hear Bernie complaining though. All I could see was the gigantic smile on his face!

Aces Aplenty 

Congratulations go to both Brian O’Hare and Con Kiayias who played perfect shots in today’s competition.

Brian scored his ace on the 11th hole where his beautifully struck 5 hybrid took one bounce before disappearing into the hole for the one. Brian was very excited by his second hole-in-one. The first was on the 13th in 2011.

Con scored his ace on the tricky 13th hole where his purely hit 9 iron released on hitting the green to roll perfectly into the hole.

Congratulations to both. The club will have the successful balls mounted as mementos of the special shots as well as reward both with 6 golf balls.

Brian O’Hare on the 11th with the offending hole in one ball. Photo courtesy of W. Griffiths
Brian O’Hare on the 11th with the offending hole in one ball. Photo courtesy of W. Griffiths

Super Shooter

Another player on the course is getting that special feeling on the 7th hole quite regularly of late. You know, the feeling you get when Peter says, “here are your super shot winnings”. President Lance Fredericks has again won the super shot with a shot to 136 cm. It might be a good time to hit him up for a loan!

Talking about super shots and aces, there was one other that came close today as well. I had the pleasure to watch Chris Goodwin hit the flag with his tee shot on the 15th to finish 1 metre past the flag. Unfortunately his birdie putt missed the hole completely and he had to settle for a par.

MatchPlay Final

Today the B Division match play final was played between the big-hitting John Paul and the sweet-swinging Tim Young. It was a great contest with both playing exceptionally well and on top of their form.

John had managed to claw a one hole advantage playing the 17th and both hit fantastic drives to within one metre of each other down into the area near the palm trees. Tim was to play first and was terribly disappointed to find his ball deep within an unrepaired divot hole. He played a pretty good shot which went out a little low crashing into the Liquid Amber’s protecting the green. John then fired his shot sensibly to the middle of the green. A difficult chip shot remained but alas Tim could not get it up-and-down to save his par. John proceeded to two putt and take out the 2015 title 2/1.

Members are reminded to please repair divot holes as there could be later consequences for another member like today.

Congratulations John on your victory.

Tim should not be feeling too bad as he had a good year being runner up in both individual matchplay competitions. Let’s hope more people are interested to play this event next year.

A question from Mick

After winning the par event with plus 8 last week, Mick B. wants to know why most of us can’t play two good rounds in a row. My opinion is that you only have one birthday round a year, but if you can answer this conundrum for Mick please do so below.

One thought on “News from the Course – November 21

  1. Congratulations John must take after his father ( definitely not his mother). That new putter did the trick
    Also congrats to the hole in onners— amazing and I’m sure exciting.

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