News from the Course – 7th November

2015 Gold Medal Playoff

Each year in conjunction with the November monthly medal the Gold Medal Playoff is held. To qualify for the playoff you must win a monthly medal in the preceding 12 months, November to October. You play in the grade you won your monthly medal in but off your current handicap.

In A Grade the winner was Pat Paris with 67 nett on a countback over Tony Panecasio. Using the Australian Countback System, Pat won by a ½ shot nett over the back nine. Pat’s 4 on the last eclipsed Tony’s 5.

In B Grade the winner was Dave Ransom with a 68 winning by 1 from Col Booth and Wayne Griffiths.

In C Grade the winner was Philip Gosling with a day’s best of 62 nett to win by 6 from Bob Small.

The winner of the inaugural D Grade gold medal was Vince Byrnes with a great 63 nett to also win by 6 from Allen Clark.

The November monthly medalists, Pat Paris, Jim Henry, Philip Gosling and Vince Byrnes have already qualified for the 2016 Gold Medal Playoff.

Key changes to the Rules of Golf to come into effect 1 January 2016

1 Withdrawal of Rule on Ball Moving After Address

Rule 18-2b (Ball Moving after Address) has been withdrawn. This means that if a ball at rest moves after the player addresses it, the player is no longer automatically deemed to have caused the ball to move. A one-stroke penalty under Rule 18-2 will be applied only when the facts show that the player’s actions have caused the ball to move.

2 Prohibition on Anchoring the Club While Making a Stroke

As announced by The R&A in May 2013, the new Rule 14-1b (Anchoring the Club) prohibits anchoring the club either “directly” or by use of an “anchor point” in making a stroke. The penalty is loss of hole in match play or two strokes in stroke play. This new Rule will apply to all golfers in club golf, social golf, and professional golf.

Two key points to note on this Rule change are that long putters may continue to be used – it’s just that they may not be anchored. And the new anchoring Rule applies to all levels of golf – not just professional golf.

3 Distance-Measuring Device Local Rule: Relaxation so that Players now Only in Breach if they Actually Use a Non-Conforming Feature (for competitions where distance measuring devices are permitted)

The local rule on distance-measuring devices has been relaxed so that there will no longer be a penalty if a player uses a device with a non-conforming feature but does not actually use the non-conforming feature itself. (Distance-measuring devices may only be used in competitions where the committee has the local rule in effect.)

Examples of non-conforming features include applications that measure or provide advice on: elevation changes or slope, wind speed, club selection, green reading, and effective distance between two points based on elevation changes or other conditions that affect shot distance.

Best Gross of the Year

In any medal or championship round the lowest gross score for the year is decided. This year Steve Rippon fired a course record 5 under par round of 62 to claim the trophy in the March monthly medal.

Oops, I should have stayed in bed

Ok, it was raining today and your playing partners were giving you a hard time for not wanting to play. I know you were injured with severe burns to your back but still you came out. Unfortunately you only lasted ½ of the first hole.

After topping his tee shot on the first Steve Rippon was forced to lay-up short of the water. The lay-up shot was a little left and a tree interrupted his next swing which went in the water, a drop and then the same result.

“Sorry guys that’s it for me!” Steve was heard saying as he headed back to the clubhouse after having the quickest game of golf in his career, leaving his playing partners feeling  very bad that they had convinced him to play. Getting back to the starter Steve asked Alan if he could have a refund. Al’s reply, “Maybe you can go ask Sue for a free sausage ‘cause I can’t refund you here as you started”. Needless to say he didn’t get a free sausage either!

Some days its best to stay in bed.

Dave Ransom

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