2015 Mixed Foursomes Championship

A perfect day in golfing heaven saw 16 dedicated players contest the 2015 Mixed Foursomes Championship over 27 holes. Despite the small size of the field and the lack of run on the course, the scores were excellent with four of the eight groups turning within one shot of each other after the first nine holes.

With 18 holes to play it was anybody’s tournament and the team that could handle the pressure the best would emerge as champions. Firstly Shirley Walsh and Tony Panecasio returned a score of 133 to set the standard. This lead was short lived however as Marie Farrant and Patrick Paris set the new mark of 131. The question was would they be left ruing several missed short putts?

Playing pressure golf, Elizabeth Armstrong and Arthur Bosanquet managed to salvage a good bogey on the last with a difficult up-and-down. This turned out to be the critical shot as a score of 130 was recorded for Elizabeth and Arthur to win their first championship. Congratulations and well done.

Elizabeth and Arthur celebrate victory in the Foursomes Championship
Elizabeth and Arthur celebrate victory in the Foursomes Championship

To top it off Elizabeth won the Ladies NTP on the 9th with a shot to 5.77 m and Arthur won the mens on the same hole with a shot to 3.51m.

In the nett competition Robyn Gregson and Lance Fredericks played an exceptional round to score nett 100.25, only ¼ of a shot over the par of 100. This was good enough for them to take out the nett title.

Nett winners Robyn and Lance
Nett winners Robyn and Lance

Of course any foursome event has a tale of misery. Today Steve Rippon and partner Pauline Lightfoot had the misfortune of suffering through 20 penalty shots with the concurrent loss of 20 of Steve’s best balls in their score of 152. Clearly they were awarded the ‘Bradman’s’ trophy for both the nett and gross events. Better luck next time, although one of them was overheard saying she would want a new partner next year!

Well played to all our competitors and congratulations to both sets of winners. We hope to see you all back next year with many other teams.

Dave Ransom

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