Jamberoo Golf Club “Nine and Dine” – Memories from Thursday 14 May 2015

9 n dine may
The crew from the May Nine & Dine

By Arthur Bosanquet

ON a bleak, early autumnal afternoon, 19 variously enthused golfers arrived at the club in dribs and drabs for a 3.00pm start to play in the Jamberoo Golf Club monthly Nine and Dine. Included in the group was a couple from the Gold Coast who had heard about the event on the golfing grapevine!

Chief organiser and official starter Rose Sheath greeted us all with her customary smile and good cheer. After paying the $5.00 entry fee, we were allocated into playing groups to start from either the 1st or 5th tees.

The golf scores will not be remembered. Reg Wilson, the MC for the evening, deliberately did not announce any results, and no official prizes were awarded, leaving the individual players to reflect on their own scores, and what might have been. Every player was, however, given a beautifully wrapped golf ball as a memento of the occasion.

On the other hand, the post-game BBQ (attended by another 3 non-golfing partners) will be fondly remembered: meat cooked beautifully on the newly installed BBQ; home-prepared fresh salads; the long dining table set up and festively adorned in the lounge; friendly repartee and laughter; the beer, wine and soft drink (for those responsible drivers); and for at least one non-golfer who joined us for the meal (yes we know who you are JG!!) the scarcity of golfing anecdotes. We all left the club winners, and grinners.

Thank you, Rose and Reg, for a most enjoyable and memorable May “Nine and Dine”. I am sure we are all looking forward to the next event, “Xmas in July Nine and Dine on 9th July, with hopefully many more starters.



 9 & Dine Christmas in July Special

The participants from the May 9 & Dine and they had so much fun they have decided to hold a special Xmas in July on the 9th July 2015.

It will start at 2.00pm for a 2.30pm hit off and the cost is $25.00 for a 2 Course Christmas Dinner. You do not need to be a golfer to join in.

The proceeds of the day will go towards raising the roof on the veranda at the Jamberoo Golf Club.


Sunday 21st of June

Club Graphic

The Mixed Foursomes Championship is scheduled to be played on Sunday 21st of June.  The entry sheet is available in the golf shop so be quick to grab that early timeslot.

Defending champions are Kay Brennan and Bruce Byers.

The Championship will be decided over 27 holes.

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