GOLD MEDAL PLAYOFFS– Saturday 1st November 2014

Wild and windy conditions met the early morning players and then torrential rain greeted the afternoon players for the 2014 Gold Medal Playoffs. This had a telling influence on the scores as the players battled the unfriendly conditions.
In A Grade Pete Munro was victorious with a nett 71 winning by 3 shots from Scott Hainsworth and Wayne Griffiths with Tim Young a further shot back.

In B Grade John Johnson with a 69 nett continued his recent good form and was the victor by 2 shots over C Grade champion Paul Rodgers with B grade champion James Thompson and White Horse Cupper Steve Jackson a further 2 shots adrift.

In C Grade Nathan Harrington continued his excellent season with a nett 70 to win by 1 from Keith Hales and John Turner. This was a great result as Nathan had to compete off his new lower handicap having captured the April monthly medal while still in in C Grade. Keith and John were very close having hit-off early in the hurricane but Nathan was able to bring it home playing in the last group of the day after suffering through 2 bouts of torrential rain and vicious lightening.
Congratulations to all the qualifiers who each have won a monthly medal in the season (running from November to October). Well played to our Gold Medalists Pete, John and Nathan. You will receive this most prestigious award on presentation day.
Dave Ransom
PS: This month’s monthly medalists: Jarryd Gehrmann, Paul O’Leary and Dave Ruddy have already qualified for the 2015 event after shooting unbelievably good scores today despite the weather.

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