Changes to Jamberoo Men’s Handicap Divisions from July 1

Since early April when the new method for calculating handicaps was introduced, many players’ handicaps have increased. This has resulted in a reduction of numbers in A and B  Grades for Saturdays and Divisions 1 & 2 for Wednesdays. The Match Committee has examined the figures for several competitions and has decided to introduce new Divisional groupings for both Wednesdays and Saturdays from 1 July 2010.


Division 1         Handicap Range             0  –  17

Division 2                “             “                      18  –  24

Division 3                 “             “                     25  –  36


Division 1        Handicap Range             0  –  15

Division 2               “             “                     16  –  22

Division 3               “             “                     23  –  36

When the field size is less than 100 but more than 49, there will be two Divisions with approximately half the field in each Division and when the field is less than 50 there will be one Division.

The Divisional handicap groupings will continue to be monitored and further alterations made if warranted.

Lance Fredericks


4 thoughts on “Changes to Jamberoo Men’s Handicap Divisions from July 1

  1. I am happy to play in the new divisions, but, I would suggest that the balls in the ball comp are also allocated evenly to each division as well. If there are 12 balls to be awarded then 4 to the top scores in each division (after taking out the prize winners). What about that?

  2. The Match Committee will consider this suggestion having regard to the reason for altering the Divisional groupings – more than half the fields were in Div 3/C Grade.

  3. It has also been confirmed the Club Championship rounds will be conducted at the former A, B and C grade levels. That it, not the new “Divisions” which will apply to normal club rounds.

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