White Horse Cuppers suffer narrow defeat – still have outside 2014 finals chance

JGC LOGO 300THE Jamberoo White Horse Cup squad were hugely disappointed after a hard-fought narrow defeat by joint competition leaders Sussex Inlet on Sunday.

The Cuppers went down 2.5 to 3.5 at Nowra with a couple of critical matches going down to final putts on the 18th green. The Cuppers still have a slim chance of making the semi-finals but will be relying on other results.

Jamberoo V Sussex Inlet at Nowra 9/3/14

Jamberoo loss 3.5/2.5

Steve Jackson won 8/6

Shane Townsend all square

Brian O’Hare lost 1 down

Brad Jackson won 1 up

Larry Kent lost 2/1

Scott Hainsworth lost 4/3

Steve Jackson was a standout with his 8/6 win. As the team No.6, Steve teed off first and a superb drive right down the middle set the standard for his day. Steve has been in great form of late, coming second with 39 stableford points at Shoalhaven Heads in their Thursday comp last week.

Shane was playing the Sussex captain, a golfer who hasn’t lost a pennants match for two years. Shane was very happy with his game after fighting back from a couple down on the front nine to snatch a critical draw on the last.

Brian was a little nonplussed at first to be match against a regular sized adult rather than one of the over two metre teenagers he has become accustomed to this series. Brian was 2 up early but was involved with a closely fought see-sawing match with a much longer hitting 14 marker. It all came down to the final green where Brian needed to sink a six footer to win the hole and draw his match. Brian is currently undergoing counselling.

Brad Jackson was another involved in a closely fought battle, coming back from a couple down at various stages of his match to win 1 up on the 18th green. The Jackson “twins” certainly earned their keep on the day.

Larry Kent was his usual tenacious self but struck an 11 marker in good form while a “gutted” Scott couldn’t get over a 6 handicapper he said was “playing like a machine”.

The squad should all be at least satisfied with the effort they put in with what was always going to be a very tough match. Squad member Anthony Smith should also be lauded for his valuable support on the day, as should the thoughts of absent captain Dave Ransom.

The WHC team still have an outside chance of making the semi-finals and are still equal with the now outright competition leaders Sussex in the number of individual matches won. That would be important should there be a count-back.

All Jamberoo need now is a huge form reversal that would see last placed Russell Vale beating Sussex in the last regular season match at Gibraltar Country Club in Bowral next week.  Jamberoo would also have to at least tie their match with Shoalhaven Heads

When the results became clear at Nowra on Sunday, Russell Vale team members were resisting all offers of performance enhancing drug sponsorship, but at least they know there are people willing to do them actual physical harm if they don’t do their best in the Southern Highlands next week. Prayer could also be an option.

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