White Horse Cup team finishes with a close one

White Horse Cup team regular Steve Robertson
JAMBEROO’S White Horse Cup team finished their season with a close loss to arch rivals Kiama at Vincentia on Sunday.
The 4 matches to 3 loss brought to an end a very enjoyable two months for team members and an overall finish in the middle of the field.
Maybe a few opportunities were lost along the way but the satisfaction of getting out there and competing was never diminished. And of course there is always next year.
In the final round the consistent Steve Robertson won 2 up, Errol Stubbs won 2&1 and Darryl Campbell had a big win 7&5.
Tony Rodriguez lost a tight match 1 down, Brad Jackson lost 4&3, Steve Jackson went down 7&6 and Neil Harper lost 4&3.
Overall, Sussex Inlet won the Division with 13 points, Kiama was second with 12 points and Kiama third on 10 points.
Jamberoo finished with seven points along with Moss Vale, The Grange and Shell Cove Links. St Georges Basin were on 6 points and Vincentia on 3.
Team captain Darryl Campbell would like to thank all team members who took the time and effort to participate and enabled Jamberoo to field a team each week and record such a respectable result.
All of Jamberoo’s Pennant squads fielded strong, full teams each round this year and whilst the club had no outright winners the level of competiveness displayed and the contribution of members bodes well for the future.

One thought on “White Horse Cup team finishes with a close one

  1. thank’s for two month’s of very enjoyable golf with a really good group of guys

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