News from the Course

News from the course

The golfing prowess of big-hitting Andrew ‘Crash’ Craddock continues to rise with his eagle on the twelfth hole on Saturday 23rd of November on his way to winning ‘A’ division with 43 points. This follows his +7 in the par event the previous weekend. As a reward for his efforts Andrew receives 6 balls for his eagle and a new lower handicap of 9.7. Well played Andrew.
James Sala confused the scorers on the same day with his outstanding individual score of 48 points. Some comments in the golfers lounge were that he must have played 27 holes! Well done!
Well-seasoned C Pennant player Col Booth scored +10 in the recent par event amazing his playing partners. The ‘saint’ defeated Brian Underwood (+8) by 2. It must have played easy in the morning without the wind! Well played gents.
John Ellesmore had an interesting return to golf following his recent hand injury. Apparently, according to eye-witness accounts, John lost his grip on the downswing on the 7th hole completing his swing with only one hand. John was heard saying “oh no” as the ball miraculously landed beside the flag to win the ‘super shot’. John is looking for ideas on how to spend the $184 he won. By the way, the next time you finish the 5th hole, look at the garden beside the 6th tee. This wonderful area is all due to John’s hard work. Some are calling it Ellesmores’ corner. Great work John.
Dave Ransom

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