Holes-in-One Aplenty at Jamberoo (and eagles too)

JGC LOGO 300By Dave Ransom

WELL, two holes-in-one on consecutive days have really set Jamberoo alight. Then on the third day we have another eagle achieved on the 12th.

Congratulations to Andrew McCullough for his super shot on the 11th on the Labour Day holiday last Monday.

Viv Boxsell achieved her magnificent feat during the Tuesday ladies comp on the 9th hole. Viv cleverly used her 5 wood to great effect to record the first ace in her household.

Both players are to be congratulated and their golf balls will be mounted as permanent reminders of their perfect shots. Well played.

Now as for the eagle there is a precautionary tale as well.  Congratulations to John Thurling for his grand achievement in Wednesday’s comp. John scored his eagle on the 12th hole with three great shots on the par 5. Unfortunately for John, his marker recorded it as a 2 and as John had signed an incorrect card he was disqualified. The captain, however, has ruled that John should receive the 6 balls from the club for his eagle, so all was not lost. The lesson: always check your card carefully before you sign and enter it.

Last Saturday 6 people were disqualified for not signing their card, including the C grade winner, so please be careful. The match committee takes no joy in disqualifying players, especially for such needless reasons.

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