News from the Course

By Dave Ransom

Pipped at the Post

PAST captain Phil Green had a very impressive round on Saturday 17th of August where he scored an excellent 43 points. This included a front nine of 26 points! Phil explained that every shot he tried came off and every putt went in. On the back nine he played solidly to score a further 17 points.

Little did Phil know that he would be surpassed by Lance Fredericks and Tony McRae who scored 44 and 43 points respectively for Phil to place third in B grade.  Incidentally, Brett Fielding managed 45 points in C grade the same day. Afternoon players want an enquiry!

Famous last words!

Well respected White Horse Cupper, Brian O’Hare, was playing with Steve Rippon the same day and after nine holes was 4 over par compared to Rippon’s 3 over. Brian was overheard telling Steve on the 10th tee, “I thought you were supposed to be a star!”

Unfortunately Brian finished the day 9 over his 23 handicap compared to Steve’s 5 over off his 3 handicap. To be fair, the wind did get up to hurricane force in the afternoon.

Monthly Medals

What do you win if you win a monthly medal stroke round? The medal winners in each grade get a voucher from Golf Mart Warrawong, a monthly medal to pin on your cap and an entry to the Gold Medal Playoff in November. A recent search of the office found several unclaimed monthly medals and vouchers. If you win a medal, come to the office to collect your prize.

Widdicombe scores an eagle

Former Jamberoo Junior champion Jordan Widdicombe managed a 2 on the par four 8th hole on Saturday 24th of August on his way to 69 off the stick off his 2 handicap. Well played Jordy!

Ron Bampton scores an incredible 47 points

The competition managers were wondering if Ron was playing in a 4 ball when he scored 47 points in Saturday’s individual stableford. Congratulations Ron, the handicapper is taking a close look at your form!

Goodwin scores a ‘double buggy’

Many of us have had the unpleasant experience of scoring a double bogey in a round of golf. Current match committee member Chris Goodwin had an even more unlucky experience in a recent competition. Playing the 13th hole, Chris shanked his tee shot straight into the tree besides the tee. The ball then rebounded behind the tee where it hit, firstly, his own cart, and then his opponents. A Double Buggy!

When they stopped laughing his playing partners awarded Chris a two shot penalty for hitting his own equipment. Chris was heard mumbling as he left the tee that at least the tree saved him from going out of bounds and losing his ball!

Single Matchplay Semifinals

After solid performances throughout the tournament by all 4 semi-finalists I was expecting some very close semifinals. Golf is hard to predict and so it proved again with both winners scoring easy wins.

Paul Hazeltine maintained his excellent match play form and easily accounted for Tony Panecasio 6/5. Arthur Bosanquet also played superbly to win 7/6 against a hapless Chris Goodwin.

Who will be our champion? I can’t wait to find out!

4 thoughts on “News from the Course

  1. I suggest that everyone involved looks at Rule 19-2 to check what the penalty is for a player’s ball being accidentally deflected or stopped by the player, or his equipment. This was changed with the last edition of the rules which came out in 2012.

  2. Thanks Phil for your input which of course is perfectly correct.Chris was awarded only a 1 shot penalty not the two described in the article.

  3. So Chris played his third from behind the tee. This shot went onto the green where he 2 putted for a 5. A pretty good result from the disastrous start.

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