News from the Course – May 15

David Ransom, Director.

The sun has dried some sections of the course but the course remains very boggy underfoot. These photos were taken around midday today by Murray Bezzant.

As you can see we need further warm conditions over the next few days to dry up the puddles.

Please consult the Member Portal for any updates on the status of the course.

Automated Booking Emails.

With the advent of our new system from MiClub it was requested that email notifications be sent to members for any upcoming bookings into competitions. MiClub have complied. These will be sent out automatically.

As it an automated process controlled by MiClub, if the course has been closed due to the weather these emails will still be sent.

Please remember to consult the Member Portal for any updates about the course.

2024-25 Annual Subscriptions.

Most members have by now received their invoice for the 2024-25 annual subscription. Several payment options are available.

Please understand that any payment made using EFTPOS at the club will attract a small bank fee (of about $12). If you wish to avoid this then the option of payment by Direct Debit into the club account or by paying by Cash is recommended. If you use Direct Debit then please put your name and member number as the reference (eg: David Ransom 1771).

Remember members are requested to reduce the size of their annual fee by using the balance of their prize account.

Those members over 80 who have met the criteria of years of membership have already had their fees reduced by $200 as determined by the Board.

The Office will be open Monday to Saturday from 10 am to assist members finalise their subscription.

Please note that some members invoices have appeared in their ‘junk mail’.
Eg. Considered spam. Check you junk mail.

One thought on “News from the Course – May 15

  1. Please note that some members invoices have appeared in their ‘junk mail’.
    Eg. Considered spam. Check you junk mail.

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