News from the Course 16 April

Col Booth on volunteering.

“I think the Old Windmill on the 8th Hole should be our de facto rain gauge as well as the Patron Saint of Volunteers (viz. St Vincent de Paul, the Patron Saint of Volunteers) given the amount of grass wrapped around it to indicate the height of the water but more importantly symbolising our gallant volunteers who come unsung, unnamed to clean up. 

The silent bugle echoes throughout the Jamberoo Valley and Golfers and non-Golfers appear at the course to help and The Old Windmill, which has withstood the torrent of water and debris the storm threw at it, remains a symbol of defiance, not yielding against the odds but not reckoning the strength of the Jamberoo Spirit of Defiance and Volunteering.”

2024 Flood Damage Repair Fund Update

In the true spirit of Jamberoo Golf Club 22 members have donated from their trophy accounts to the Flood Damage Repair Fund so far.

Much appreciation is given to Mick, Farmilo, Stef Tinworth, Andrew Ransom, Giles Rooney, Bob Neilson, David Piccirillo, Eric Nyholm, Peter Agrums, Bob Anderson, Shane Townsend, Tracey Watson, Kelley Greaves, Alan Wight, Sylvia Karschies, Geoff Reynolds, Dave Ransom, Lidia Waine, Don Thompson, Lyn Kuskey, John Anthony, Daniel Adams and Peter Wallace. The total amount donated is currently $4500.

All money donated will be used to make repairs to our pathways, bridge approaches and rubbish removal.

If you would like to contribute then please contact the club office who will gratefully accept your donation.

Those who have played in the last few days can see the mountain of work needed to bring our course back to the state it was in before the rain event.

The April volunteer working bee is planned to be held this Friday where we will work on the back nine.

The toil of our volunteers and the gifts from our donors are cherished.

One of our missing seats found.

The missing seat that once stood near the 15th tee has been found.

Thanks to Bernie who recovered the seat at the little bridge across the Minnamurra River on the McGlinchey Farm on Swamp Road.

The chair that belongs to the 11th tee is now located in the drain behind the 7th!

Toilet near the 12th tee out of action.

The floods have affected the pumping station and consequently the water supply to the toilet near the 12th tee is temporarily out of order.

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