News from the Club – International Women’s Day

by Pam Middlebrook, Womens President.

How great does the Bromeliad Garden look on the 9th hole? Congratulations to Sharon – for your vision, design and planting of the area, Bruce – for his assistance in collecting and assembling the plants, and Cheryl – for propagating and donating the Bromeliads.

While talking about gardens a special mention goes to Liz Armstrong for her inspirational leadership at the course. Thanks Liz.

Jamberoo Women Golfers excel away from home.

Pam Middlebrook (Womens President)

It was great to hear that two of our A grade players, Liz Armstrong & April Van Woerkom, again entered the “Club House Cup” tournament, held at The Australian Golf Course in February. Although neither player were in the winning circle, Liz stated she improved her score by seven from the previous year & April feels she has had some success on this challenging course.

Cheryl Smee was runner up in the NSW VGA Shield (B Grade-36 holes) at the ‘Illawarra Week of Golf’.

Kim Oborn was runner up in “The Central West” NSW VGA Shield (C Grade-54 holes).

Congratulations to all our members who travel around the state to play competitive golf and doing Jamberoo proud. 

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